I enjoy doing astrophysics outreach to the larger community. At UT Austin I founded and organize Cafecito Cósmico, a Spanish-language astro journal club. I also hosted the first even DeepSkyTour in Spanish (Recorrido en Vivo Por el Cielo Nocturno) at the McDonald observatory, and appeared on TV for the Austin total eclipse (Fox7 Austin) and for JWST and the first galaxies (KXAN, SftP).
Back during PhD days I was a member of the student outreach group at JHU, where we went to schools in the greater Baltimore area and showed cool science to young bright minds. As a postdoc in the Boston area I was a speaker at Astronomy on Tap, and collaborated with Science for the Public, a local Boston non-profit, in one of their episodes.
I also like coffee. A lot. This is a list of some coffee places I have really liked in different places. Some are chains, and I’ve marked the ones I’ve tried and enjoyed. Some have comments, about what I especially liked (or didn’t!) If a place isn’t on the list it can mean that I haven’t tried it, or that it wasn’t worth adding. Either way, YMMV!