If you’ve been searching for simulations of the first galaxies with detailed Lyman-Werner feedback AND streaming velocities… look no further! I present to you: EOS21.
EOS21 is the 2021 installment of the Evolution of 21-cm Structure project. It updates the 2016 version (link) by including a galaxy model that matches the UV luminosity functions from Hubble and a population of molecular-cooling galaxies during cosmic dawn. Our paper shows how we implement inhomogeneous feedback on the first galaxies from both relative velocities and LW photons, calibrated from the latest hydrodynamical simulations (which include self-shielding). This modification allows 21cmFAST to track the evolution of the 21-cm signal during cosmic dawn and reionization including PopIII stars with all relevant feedback. One of the main science products of that paper is AllGalaxies, the new reference EOS simulation, which upgrades the Bright/FaintGalaxies models. The data (power spectrum and global signal, as well as lightcones) can be found on this drive.
I show some animations that did not make it into any paper (for obvious reasons). First this is an animation of the evolution of the 21-cm global signal (bottom right) versus redshift, the 21-cm power spectrum (top right), and a slice across the 21-cm map (left, with RSDs along the x direction). This shows the entire cosmic dawn and EoR, where the power spectrum grows during the epoch of coupling (EoC, produced by Wouthoysen-Field coupling), vanishes between that and the epoch of heating (EoH, driven by X-rays) where it peaks again, and finally has a third peak during the EoR.

Second, this is a double zoom-in of the same AllGalaxies (1.5Gpc) EOS21 simulation, where the smaller boxes are 450Mpc and 150 Mpc comoving, respectively. We have enough resolution to resolve the largest-scale modes necessary for acoustic physics yet enough resolution for the sub-grid modeling of inhomogeneous recombinations and radiative feedback on star formation.