Daily Archives: November 30, 2010

Undergraduate Philosophy Journal Calls for Papers

Ex Nihilo, UT’s undergraduate philosophy journal, is announcing a call for papers for publication in the spring semester. Ex Nihilo is run entirely by UT students with the aim of showcasing the philosophical talent of UT’s undergraduates. This is a great opportunity for committed students of philosophy to demonstrate their knowledge and writing skills and be published in a journal before entering graduate school or a professional career.
The submission guidelines are as follows:

1. Length: 10-25 pages double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. We will take submissions of papers over 25 pages, but those might have to be edited for brevity.

2. Topic: Any philosophical topic of substance is acceptable. Term papers written for class are acceptable so long as they are insightful and sufficiently independent of specific information from that class.

3. Format: Every paper must include an abstract. In a separate attachment, include the title of your paper, your name, email, and major. Do not include any identifying information in your paper.

4. Submission Date: All materials must be submitted to ex.nihilo.journal@gmail.com by January 15th.