Monthly Archives: January 2011

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

Summer & Fall 2011 Applications Open

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Gilman Scholarship Program, we are proud to announce the expansion of our summer awards to include all academic majors. We anticipate this will be our most competitive cycle ever so please utilize all available Gilman resources. For more information about the Gilman Scholarship please visit the Gilman website at

Summer & Fall 2011 online applications are due March 1, 2011.

For students applying for any academic term (Academic Year, Fall, Spring or Summer) please find the eligibility requirements below:

  • Enrolled as an undergraduate student at a two or four-year U.S. Institution
  • United States citizen
  • Receiving a Federal Pell Grant at the time of application or during the term of study abroad
  • Participating in a study abroad program that is no less than 4 weeks in one country and no more than an academic year
  • Receiving academic credit
  • Study in any country not currently under a U.S. State Department Travel Warning or Cuba

For more information, please contact the appropriate person below:

Applicants (last name A-L):

Aileen O’Donnell
713.621.6300 ext. 25

Applicants (last name M-Z):
Olga Tunga
713.621.6300 ext. 24

Available Honors Courses

We have a couple of upper-division LAH 350 courses with availability.

LAH 350 # 30265 China’s Great Wall/Silk Rd Lit. TTH 2:00-3:30. We will waive the 60 hour pre-requisite so if you have sophomore or even freshman standing, and are interested go ahead and register. This is a new LAH class and we really want it to make!

LAH 350  #30273 Face of Justice  TH 3:00-6:00(cross-listed with GOV 357M and WGS 345) has availability. Remember if you are a Government or WGS major or minor, it could count towards you major or minor and apply towards College Honors (aka Liberal Arts Honors).

Plan II also has a course they will allow LAHers to register for:

Plan II has seats available for junior or senior-level LAH students interested in taking a seminar course with Dr. David Oshinsky, an award-winning professor in the History Department. Course details follow. If you are interested in taking the course, please contact Mary Dillman in the Plan II Honors office:

T C 357 • History Of American Medicine
43455 • Oshinsky, David M.
Meets M 1200pm-300pm CRD 007A

The course will focus on the theory and practice of medicine in the United States from the 17th century to the present.  Topics include our changing biological environment, the history of public health campaigns, the development of medical research, the role of the physician, and the impact of disease on American history.

Laurie Garrett, The Coming Plague
Judith Leavitt, Typhoid Mary
David Oshinsky, Polio: An American Story
Charles Rosenberg, The Cholera Years
Paul Starr, The Transformation of American Medicine.

Students will be required to lead one class discussion, write one book review, and write a term paper, approximately thirty pages in length, based largely on primary sources.

About the Professor:
Professor Oshinsky specializes in 20th Century U.S. political and cultural history. He was the Pulitzer Prize winner in 2006 in the History category for his recently published book, Polio: An American Story.

Ransom Reading Group Times

We are still waiting for two of the RRG professors to finalize their times, but here are the times we know right now.  All the sessions will take place in the LAH Commons Room.

1/18: 5-6pm, The Finkler Question (Dr. Carver)

1/19: 5-6pm, Freedom (Dr. Sullivan)

1/24: 4-5pm, Mountains Beyond Mountains (Dr. Ekland-Olson)

1/25: 6-7pm, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Dr. Casey)

1/26: 5-6pm, Parable of the Sower (Dr. Jensen)

1/27: 4-5pm, Tracks (Dr. Cox)

Did you get Zapped?

Linda and I have noticed that a few of you lost your spring schedule.   If you were in honors classes we may be able to keep your seat.  Call or email us and we’ll see what we can do for you.  The next time you will be able to re-register for classes is Wednesday, January 12– Registration for the spring semester for continuing students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 14.

Those of you who paid by the January 6 deadline can access the registration system to add/drop/get on waitlists etc.. Today (Jan. 10)

French Upper Division Placement Exam

The department of French and Italian will give the placement exam for FR 320E and 322E on Tuesday, January 11th from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. in HRH 2.118:

Students MUST register for this exam by contacting Dr. Tom Vessely via email:

More information can be found on our website here:

320E. Advanced French I: Written Emphasis. A four-skills course with emphasis on grammar and writing skills. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: French 612, 312L (or 312M), or 312N with a grade of at least C.

322E. Advanced French II: Oral Emphasis. Development of speaking and listening skills, with emphasis on grammatical accuracy and fluency. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: French 320E.

Tuition Deadline Thursday January 6 and Other Important Dates

Don’t forget to pay your tuition bill by this Thursday, January 6 at 5:00 pm!

Other Important dates below:

University Calendar link:

January 11
Tuesday Registration for the spring semester for new and readmitted students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 14; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 21
January 12
Wednesday Registration for the spring semester for continuing students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 14; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 21.
January 13–14
Thursday–Friday Add/drop for the spring semester for students who registered and paid their tuition by January 6.
Registration for the spring semester for new, readmitted, and continuing students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 14; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 21.
January 21
Friday Last day of the official add/drop period; after this date, changes in registration require the approval of the department chair and usually the student’s dean. (See General Information, chapter 4, for details.)
Last day undergraduate students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the registrar.
Last day graduate students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the graduate dean.
Last day law students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the dean.