Monthly Archives: March 2011

White Rose Society Volunteer Opportunity

On behalf of the White Rose Society, a student organization on campus dedicated to Holocaust education and genocide awareness on the UT campus, we would like to invite your entire organization to join with dozens of other organizations in our Ten Thousand Roses Project.

We are asking all students and organizations to join together to hand out 10,000 white roses on the UT campus this March 31 to remind everyone on campus about the 11 million victims of the Holocaust. Each rose represents one of the 10,000 murdered in Auschwitz in a single day. The roses promote Yom Hashoa, Holocaust Memorial Day, and the UT sponsored symposium, Action or Apathy: The Struggle for Human Rights.

Our organization works to promote Holocaust remembrance throughout campus in order to demonstrate the dangers of genocide. We hope to encourage others to use what we have learned form the Holocaust to prevent such atrocities from ever recurring.

This is no small task, and we need your help. We need 150 people on Wedsday, March 30 to prepare the roses, and we need 150 people on Thursday March 31 to hand them out. Volunteering is as easy as showing up. Bring your friends. Invite other organizations.

Roses Eve Preparation- Wednesday, March 31 6:30 pm-10 pm

Preparing the roses at the University Catholic Center. Volunteer to dethorn and attach flyers to each rose. Everyone who attends will receive a free Apathy or Action Symposium t-shirt and food!

Roses Day Distribution- Thursday, March 31 10am-4pm

Hand out roses at the West Mall, Speedway at 21st, and Speedway at Dean Keaton. We will set up tables and distribute the roses in trucks at each location. Volunteers should come directly to any of these three spots. Everyone who attends will receive a free Apathy or Action Symposium t-shirt and, of course, their very own rose.

We will have sign-in sheets at both events if your organization wishes to keep track of volunteering hours. Visit out website at for more information. Contact me, Rebecca Goldstein, at with any questions. Please let me know if your organization your would like to help us out with this great cause!

Thanks so much,

Rebecca Goldstein, LAH

LAH needs Quiz Bowl Participants Sign up by Friday, March 25

Honors Quiz Bowl Seeking Competitors

Registration for the 3rd annual Honors Quiz Bowl has opened and the most trivia-savvy honors program students are invited to participate! This is an excellent opportunity to compete against some of UT’s best and brightest students and to prove once and for all which honors program is the smartest! The Honors Quiz Bowl consists of three-person teams from each honors program competing against each other to answer professionally-written questions spanning almost every academic subject and cultural topic. Plan II (team “Plan 2 Destroy”) won last year’s tournament and will be attempting to defend its title.

The tournament will take place on Saturday, April 2nd from 2-3:30pm in the Student Activity Center. All honors program students who wish to participate must register by filling out the information form accessible at the URL below (registration deadline is this Friday, March 25th at 5pm)

2010 Tournament Results: 1st – Plan II, 2nd – LAH, 3rd (tie) – Dean’s Scholars, Business Honors
2009 Tournament Results: 1st – Business Honors, 2nd – Dean’s Scholars, 3rd (tie) LAH, Plan II

The following organizations have been invited to participate this year:
Liberal Arts Honors, Plan II, Business Honors, Engineering Honors, Dean Scholars, Health Science Honors, Senior Fellows, Humanities Honors, Turing Scholars, Junior Fellows and several departmental honors programs.

This year’s questions will include (but are not limited to) the following subjects: History, Current Events, Sports, Law, Geography, Business, Biology, Philosophy, Engineering, Astronomy, Math, Economics, Pop Culture, English Literature, World Literature, Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Mythology, Music, and Art. [It is not expected for any one team to be proficient in every topic].

Please email any questions to

Liberal Arts Honors Student Council
The University of Texas at Austin

Advising for Summer and Fall 2011

Already gearing up for Summer and Fall classes?  The online course schedule will be posted soon: the Summer schedule will come out on March 29 and the Fall schedule will come out on April 5.

You don’t have to wait for the course schedule to come out – set up your advising appointment with Stacey or Linda any time after Spring Break!  Juniors and Seniors will have the earliest registration time, so please come in as soon as you can.  First year students and sophomores can start coming in for advising during the first week of April.  To set up your appointment, please call 512-471-3458 or stop by GEB 1.206.

Here are some links to help you get started:

Course Schedule

Registration Information Sheet:

Interactive Degree Audit:

Academic Calendar:

Sanger Center Hiring Student Employees

Are you a full-time student seeking campus employment for fall 2011? We’re hiring for our fall team of students helping students. We are the university’s number #1 resource for academic support and career development.

We are hiring tutors, peer academic coaches, career and learning assistants, PLUS senior preceptors, and outreach assistants. Apply online: Applications accepted through April 1.

More info at our Job Fair: Tuesday, March 22nd, 4-5:30pm in JES A121. Hear about the experience of working at the center from some of our 250 student educators. Professional staff will also be on hand to provide job details and answer questions.

Echo Submissions

LAST CHANCE to submit for Echo!!! We will stop accepting submissions Monday, March 21st after Spring Break. We need your help to make this years edition great, so PLEASE submit your poetry, prose, and photography to for the chance to be PUBLISHED in the 2011 Echo edition!
Remember, our theme this year is “Illumination”. While this is the chosen theme, please do not limit the content that you submit; however, think of it as a general guideline with which you can explore the boundaries. Please feel free to submit any number of pieces in any or all of the categories!
The Echo Team
Again, if you are interested in helping out the Echo Team read submissions and put together the magazine, please email the same email, We will begin emailing out all the submissions to start reading on March 23rd, and then we will meet April 1st to make final decisions.

Lozano Long Travel Grant Competition

The travel grants, the number of which is still to be determined (last year,
we gave out seven), and which will be awarded at the start of Fall 2011, are
worth $5,000 apiece and are intended for study abroad in Latin America.
Students must attend a degree-granting institution in Latin America and
bring back at least 12 hours of college credit.

Please be aware that, while preference is given to LAS majors, any Liberal
Arts major can apply.  Applications are due March 31, 2011.

Here is the link to the application site:


Cynthia Gladstone, Ph.D.
Senior Academic Advisor
Latin American Studies, European Studies, Jewish Studies

Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Phone: 471-9419
SRH 1.340
1 University Station, D0800
Austin, Texas 78712

If you took Reacting to the Past/History at Play Read This Article and Comment

If you took Reacting to the Past (formally known as History at Play) there is an article about it in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Please read the article and respond in comments your thoughts about your experience in the class. We are trying to create ‘buzz’ about the course.

Advise TX to Hire Graduating UT Seniors

Advise TX College Advising Corps is recruiting graduating UT Austin seniors to serve as full-time college advisers in high-need high schools across Texas.  Applying to college is a big task, and without proper guidance, many students simply don’t take on the challenge.  Without exposure, information, and encouragement, many students never pursue higher education at all.  College advisers are bridging this gap.  Advise TX will place up to 56 exceptional recent UT graduates from all fields of study on high school campuses to lead low-income and first-generation students to college.

Advisers work alongside high school staff to mentor, encourage, and assist students one-on-one as they search for colleges, complete admissions and financial aid applications, and transition from high school to college.  We encourage you to share this opportunity with recent graduates (December 2010) and graduating seniors (May 2011) from UT Austin who may be interested in serving as a college adviser for one or two years.  Advise TX is now accepting applications through the UT Austin website:

Priority Application Deadline: March 23, 2011

Final Application Deadline: April 18, 2011

For more information, please contact Jennifer Pandya at or 512-232-4383.

Texas 4000 Restaurant Week Fundraiser

Texas4000 has coordinated with several restaurants to donate a percentage of what they make each night to the organization. This  money will all go to Cancer research!Just eat at the restaurant on the date listed below to have proceeds donated to Texas 4000:
Wednesday (3/9) at Austin’s Pizza from 4pm-7pm

Thursday (3/10) at Pita Pit from 4pm-8pm

Friday (3/11) at Spicy Pickle from 6pm-9pm

Just say “Texas4000” when you order!

LAH Internship at the Harry Ransom Center

The Liberal Arts Honors Program offers an internship at the Harry Ransom Center ( that is designed to provide an LAH senior or advanced junior with experience in the nature and operations of a major humanities research center.  The experience gained by interns will benefit them in their own research projects, in possible graduate studies, and even as a career option in such fields as librarianship, museum studies, archival or curatorial work as well as public affairs, marketing, public programming and event management.

In addition to providing general support for Ransom Center programs and services, an intern may be asked to work in any and all of the following areas:

–answering research queries

–processing collections

–conducting bibliographic searches

–preserving collection materials

–planning exhibitions

–doing editorial and publicity work

–working on web-site enhancement projects

–assisting with guest speakers events

–event planning and management

–marketing and public affairs

The internship will be for the whole academic year, fall and spring semester, or in exceptional cases for the fall only.  There will be opportunities to work in a number of different departments of the Center, learning multiple skills, from preservation to collection processing and editorial work.  For the year-long internship there may also be an opportunity to work on actual exhibitions designed by the Center.  For all interns there will be an orientation period during the last week of August.  Fall internships run for three months: September, October, and November; the full-year internship picks up again in February, March, and April.  Thus, the internships will be over by the time end-of-semester work is due.

The position is not a benefits-eligible one, but there is a stipend of $1500 per semester, for which the intern is expected to put in a 10-hour work week.  In addition there is the possibility of academic credit if the student registers for a conference course.

An applicant should provide the following: a one-page resumé, a letter from the student describing his/her interest and qualifications, and a letter of recommendation from a UT faculty member or someone who knows the student’s professional qualifications for the work described above.  Both letters should be addressed to Danielle Sigler, Curator of Academic Affairs, but should be attached to the resumé and delivered to Professor Larry Carver in the Liberal Arts Honors office, Gebauer 1.206.

Deadline for applications is April 1, 2011.