Monthly Archives: October 2011

Can you picture yourself as an Orientation Advisor?

The New Student Services area of the Office of the Dean of Students is looking for a diverse group of students to develop, plan and execute the 2012 Summer Orientation program.

If you are looking for a fun and rewarding leadership opportunity, working with a diverse and socially conscious group of campus leaders, consider applying to become an Orientation Advisor (OA). OAs are important representatives for all incoming students – they are among the first people new students and families meet!

Interested students should plan to attend one of the following information sessions to obtain an online application:

  • Tuesday, October 11, 2011
    8:30 – 9:30 p.m., Jester Auditorium (JES) A121A
  • Wednesday, October 12, 2011
    5:30 – 6:30 p.m., North Office Building A (NOA) 1.124
  • Sunday, October 16, 2011
    8:30 – 9:30 p.m., Jester Auditorium (JES) A121A

If you are unable to attend one of the above meetings, please contact New Student Services by Wednesday, October 19, 2011, for an appointment to obtain an application.

***Deadline to submit your application online: Wednesday, October 26, 2011***

After submitting your application online, you must sign up to attend Orientation Advisor Selection on Sunday, November 6, 2011. There is an initial application screening process prior to Orientation Advisor Selection Day. If you are not chosen to participate, you will be contacted via email before 5 p.m. on Friday, November 4, 2011.

Orientation Advisor Recruitment and Summer Orientation are coordinated by the New Student Services area of the Office of the Dean of Students. For more information, contact us at 512-471-3304.

Apply for a Humanities Major!

Want to design your own major?

The Humanities major allows you to compose your own interdisplinary plan of study around a research interest.

As part of the Humanities major, you will:

  • Join a close-knit community in Liberal Arts Honors
  • Receive individualized advising
  • Work closely with faculty members
  • Write an honors thesis

The Humanities major is by application only and requires 30 hours in residence and a 3.5 gpa.

Details online:

Attend an info session (below) or call 471-3458 to schedule an appointment.

Wed • Oct 12
Humanities Info Session
GEB 1.206
3:00 PM

Tue • Nov 15
Humanities Info Session
GEB 1.206
3:00 PM

Liberal Arts College Tuition and Budget Advisory Committee

Fellow Liberal Arts Student,
The Liberal Arts College Tuition and Budget Advisory Committee (CTBAC)
was formed last year, out of a Senate of College Councils initiative, to
review the budget and academic priorities of the College of Liberal Arts
and give formal student opinions to the Dean’s office.  We have been hard
at work this year educating ourselves about tuition policy and are aiming
to have our first recommendations out by next week.

Please take a few minutes to fill out a short survey. Your responses will
help us considerably in forming our recommendations:

To check in on what CTBAC is doing, we have a Facebook Fan Page
and a Twitter account. Any new information the committee receives will be posted immediately.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to
contact us at any time. Our e-mail is:

As students, we know how busy you are at this point in the semester, so
we really appreciate you taking the time to give us your input.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Hook ’em,
Liberal Arts CTBAC

Cordoba Summer Program

Check out the Cordoba, Argentina Language, Geography, Engineering and Culture faculty-led summer program, courtesy of Dr. Greg Knapp of the Department of Geography and the Environment

Here are the official information sessions on the Cordoba language/geography study abroad program.  Dr. Knapp will be present at the first two.

Date: Wed., Oct. 12
Time: 5-6 PM
Location: CAL 100

Date: Wed., Nov. 2
Time: 5-6 PM
Location: CAL 100

Date: Fri., Nov. 4
Time: 4-5 PM
Location: MEZ 1.306

IE Pre-Grad Internship

Dear UT Undergraduates:

With registration for next semester coming up in a few weeks, let me tell you about an exciting internship course.

Are you thinking about whether graduate school is in your future?  Are you uncertain about what it would be like to be a graduate student and what academic program may be suited best to your interests and career goals?

If your answer to these questions is yes, you may wish to consider undertaking the Intellectual Entrepreneurship (IE) “Pre-Graduate School Internship.”  This internship is open to students in all UT colleges/schools and departments.  You may earn one, two or three hours of academic credit (CMS 164M/264M/364M) by participating in the internship.

Attached is a flyer describing the Pre-Graduate School Internship.  In addition, you may read more about this program (including FAQ’s, examples of internship activities and an easy to complete internship contract) on the web:

A wonderful UT web feature about this program is at:

If after examining these materials you have questions, please feel free to contact me at:

NOTE: Because of the generosity of several UT deans, undergraduates who do their pre-grad internship in programs in the following colleges will be eligible to receive travel grants to help cover part of the cost of attending an academic conference (with their grad mentor)– Law, Public Affairs, Communication, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Pharmacy, Business, Social Work, Education, Natural Sciences, Fine Arts.


Rick Cherwitz

Professor and IE Director

Analecta Call for Submissions

Analecta, the University of Texas at Austin’s official literary and arts journal, is accepting submissions of all types of creative writing and visual art between now and December 16. Undergraduate and graduate students at all universities are eligible. Winners will have their pieces printed in Analecta 38, to be published this spring, and will receive a free copy of the journal. Two featured writers will also receive $100 prizes. Please find detailed submission guidelines and contact information at

Thank you,

Elisabeth Newell


Analecta Literary and Arts Journal

McKinsey Recruiting Session Thursday, October 20

Information about McKinsey & Company Info Session on Thursday, October 20: McKinsey & Company, an international management consulting firm, will be holding an information session for all interested students at 6 pm on October 20 in Classroom 103 of the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center. Consultants from McKinsey will be on hand to talk about summer internship Business Analyst positions and to introduce you to who we are and what we do. This info session is geared towards students graduating in May 2013 and seeking internship opportunities, but interested candidates in the Classes of 2014 and 2015 are welcome. We also would love the opportunity to get to know you beforehand. Please consider emailing your resume to Jennifer Dunseith at This is not required and will not be considered as a formal application submission.

Liberal Arts Honors Study Abroad Scholarships for Spring 2012

LAH Study Abroad applications for students studying abroad in Spring 2012 are due Nov. 1.

Students studying abroad in Summer 2012 will apply for scholarships during the Spring.

Applications may be accessed through Global Assist:

All applications will be considered, but priority will be given to students working on foreign language acquisition.

Go have an adventure – travel abroad!

Ex Nihilo Call for Papers

Dear Students,

Ex Nihilo, UT’s undergraduate philosophy journal, is announcing a call for papers for publication in the 2012 spring semester. This is a great opportunity for committed students to showcase their philosophical knowledge, writing skills, and to have a chance in being published before entering graduate school or a professional career.

The submission guidelines are as follows:

1. Length: 10-20 pages double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. We will take submissions of papers over 20 pages, but those will likely be edited for brevity. Nothing over 30 pages, please.

2. Topic: Any philosophical topic of substance is acceptable–however, the paper must be philosophical. Papers written for class are acceptable so long as they are sufficiently self-sustained and insightful.

3. Format: Every paper must include an abstract. In a separate attachment, include the title of your paper, your name, email, and major. Do not include your name or any identifying information in your actual paper.

4. Submission date: All materials must be submitted to by January 17th.

For more information please contact either Pavel Nitchovski (at or Susannah Duerr (at