LA 325: Introduction to College/Career Coaching Theory & Practice
Instructor: Dr. Katharine Brooks • Wednesdays 3-6 pm • Location: CLA 1.104 • Unique #: 30003 • Student Eligibility: Liberal Arts major; upper-division status; and 60+ credit hours
Course Description:
Coaching skills are invaluable in a variety of work settings, and are particularly important for managers and leaders in organizations. This course focuses on the theories, current research, and techniques of evidence-based coaching systems. Positive psychology and appreciative inquiry will be the primary approaches, but humanistic, behavioral, and NLP techniques and theory will be discussed as well. A particular emphasis and focus will be on coaching as it applies to college students.
The class structure will be a combination of lecture/discussion, in-class exercises and activities, and practice sessions where you will apply the theories you are learning. During each class you will also complete worksheets and other activities designed to further your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter as well as develop your own academic and career goals. Your performance will be assessed through take-home tests, class worksheets/activities, and a final paper.
By completing this course you will be well-prepared to apply your coaching skills to your chosen career path. You may also apply your skills and knowledge to various student leadership roles (TA’s, peer mentors, tutoring, etc.) you currently hold or hope to attain.
The course instructor, Dr. Brooks, is a board certified coach, licensed professional counselor, and nationally certified counselor. She teaches coaching courses to professionals in the career services field through the National Association of Colleges & Employers.