The Texas Undergraduate Law Review is now accepting articles for the second edition that will be published in June. Any undergraduate student attending the University of Texas at Austin is welcome to submit an article, and being published in a journal looks great on a law school application! We require that the submission be from 6 to 12 pages, double-spaced, size 12 font, without graphic materials. You are welcome to use any term papers or portions of your thesis that is related to legal issues. If you are looking for examples, feel free to check out the TULR Monthly that is posted in or Columbia’s ULR –> The due date will be April 21st at 11:59 for first drafts. Please submit your article to by that time. Any questions can be emailed to as well.
Daily Archives: March 19, 2013
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History Honors and Normandy Scholars Info Session
Evan Smith public guest lecture “The Evolution will be Digitized: The Future of the New News”
On Thursday, March 28th, at 7:30 p.m., Evan Smith will give a talk in the Joynes Reading Room (CRD 007) entitled “The Evolution will be Digitized: The Future of the New News.” Smith is Editor of The Texas Tribune, a non-profit digital news organization based in Austin. The Tribune’s deep coverage of Texas politics can be found on its own website as well as in the pages of the New York Times, and in newspapers, radio programs and TV shows throughout the state. Before co-founding the Tribune, Smith spent eighteen years at Texas Monthly, including eight years as Editor and a year as President and Editor in Chief. This lecture is free and open to everybody. For questions about this event, call 512-471-5692.