Application deadline: April 8, 2013
The internship will provide:
- round-trip airfare
- housing in a dorm
- a modest stipend for living expenses
You will:
- work at your internship for a minimum of 4 hours/day
You may:
- take a language class at Higher School of Economics
- take a content course at New Economic School
- participate in all NES events
The first step:
- provide a personal statement that describes your plan to contribute to NES and develop yourself at NES;
- provide a current CV;
- provide at least two letters of reference (of which at least one should be from college faculty).
- Students whose native language is not English should demonstrate proficiency in English. Some level of Russian is a plus, but is not required.
Please submit these documents to Allegra Azulay electronically
at: by April 8
The New Economic School (, located in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for semester-long internships beginning Fall of 2013. Undergraduates are invited to apply starting their junior year.
NES was established as a Russian-Western educational partnership intended to promote international standards of education to the best Russian students. And it has succeeded: RePEc ranks us as the best economics institution in any post communist country, and NES is home to CEFIR, a top-tier economics think tank recognized worldwide. As an internationally-oriented university, NES provides a productive and accessible atmosphere for Americans interested in working with a prestigious economics institute or studying Russian. Besides work, we offer a variety of benefits: enrollment in a Russian language course at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) or in one of the or NES MA-level courses; participation in all NES student events; a free roundtrip ticket from the United States; and a fellowship that covers living expenses in Moscow. We also offer a multiple-entry visa and free housing in a dormitory with NES students. The minimum workload will be around four hours a day. Each selected applicant will be fitted with a customized internship catering to his or her personal and professional skills and goals.
Many types of assignments, ranging from administrative work to full-fledged projects, are available:
joint NES-HSE BA
1. Marketing and promoting the new internship program
2. International exchange office assistant 3. Library attendant 4. Receptionist 5. English editor
6. English writer 7. Webmaster of NES website in English 8. Computer lab attendant 9. Journalist for the NES newspaper 10. Designer for the NES newspaper 11. Editor of the NES English handbook
12. Charity coordinator (Russian orphanage connections)
13. Marketing and promoting NES Summer School program
14. Alumni relations 15. Reporting and budgeting 16. Accounting assistant 17. Faculty assistant 18. Staff assistant 19. Bachelor student counselor (helping BA
students apply abroad) 20. English language publicist
Our internship program is in its formative stages; as it matures, the list of options will likely become more predictable. As for now – take advantage of the opportunity to play a role in this program’s development. NES is strengthening its efforts towards international integration, and as a result, chosen candidates should be prepared to work directly with faculty at every level of NES governance.
We can accommodate different types of people with various backgrounds, academic and professional interests, and different levels of Russian language (including those without any prior experience). We require motivated young people who can inspire those around them with their innovative attitude, and who are excited about making a lasting contribution to the reformation of Russian academia.
**An LAHer is currently in this position. Let Linda or Stacey know if you would like more info.**