Monthly Archives: April 2013

The Fate of the Book with Some Rap

Just when you were lamenting that TILTS 2012-13 “The Fate of the Book” series had come to an end, we offer you one final, over-the-top, disturbingly loud, end-of-year spectacular!  After the parade of PRESERVERS, ACADEMICS, and TRANSFORMERS, come and listen to a PERFORMER of books:

Baba Brinkman

 “The Canterbury Tales Remixed”

7pm, 30 April 2013  (yes, the last week of classes)

JGB 2.324

Geology Building  (yes, rock out amongst the rocks!)

See and hear Baba Brinkman bring Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales to life through gritty hip-hop storytelling and live turntablism.  Baba will be accompanied by DJ and beat maker Mr. Simmonds.   Their off-Broadway show premiered in 2011 at the Soho Playhouse in New York City, and has been a hit at literature festivals and university campuses around the globe.

All students and faculty welcome, although seating capacity is limited.  Before your final exams, come and help us wrap up the TILTS “The Fate of the Book” year with some serious rap.

About the PERFORMER:

Baba Brinkman is a Canadian rap artist, playwright, and interpreter of Medieval and Renaissance literature.  Since 2003, Baba has made a name for himself as a rap troubadour, with hip-hop theatre shows such as The Rap Canterbury Tales, The Rap Guide to Evolution, and The Rebel Cell.  His innovative shows have enjoyed extended off-Broadway runs.

Fulbright US Student Program

The 2014-2015 Fulbright U.S. Student competition will open on May 1, 2013.  The Fulbright U.S. Student program is open to graduate students at all levels, undergraduates who will have completed their degree by the beginning of the grant period (for most countries, Sept. 1, 2014) and non-students who hold a bachelor’s degree.  The program is restricted to U.S. citizens.  The grants are for study and research abroad, and are available for most countries.  Grants are awarded for all disciplines, including the sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, and the performing and creative arts.  A number of countries also offer grants for those who wish to serve as English teaching assistants.

An information session for prospective applicants will be presented by an Alumni Ambassador from the Institute of International Education on Friday, April 26 from 1:00-2:30 PM in Burdine 136.

Deadlines and Procedures:

1.  Potential applicants must register with us, by sending an email to:  The email should give the applicant’s name, contact information, academic status (i.e., undergrad, grad, alumnus), country or region of interest, and area of study or research topic.

2.  The applicant should go to the Fulbright U.S. Student Program website

( for country summaries, information about preparing an application, and, starting May 1, to begin the online application process.

3.  The applicant should also review our campus website:

4.  Campus Deadline: The applicant must submit copies of all application materials electronically to our office by 2 PM on September 4. Interviews are tentatively scheduled between September 16 and September 27.  While the deadline for final submission to the national office has not yet been announced, my expectation is that it will be around mid-October.

For the most recent statistical year (2012-13), UT applicants received the 6th highest number of awards of all institutions in the nation and can boast the 2nd highest award percentage per applicant pool for the top ten institutions. As a Fulbrighter myself (Brazil, 1990), I can testify to the lifelong value of this extraordinary program, and I am hoping that we can make that experience available to students as well.


Lindsay Hale, Ph.D.

Department of Religious Studies

Chair, Fulbright U.S. Student Program Campus Committee

DemTex: Student-Led Courses

Interested in helping to lead UT Austin’s Student-Led Course program? Apply to be a member of the 2013-2014 DemTex Leadership Team! DemTex is a program through which undergraduates to design and lead their very own discussion-based course under the supervision of a faculty sponsor. DemTex is currently seeking applicants to serve on the 2013-2014 Leadership Team in order to make the process for promoting and generating these courses as easy as possible. Positions available are Webmaster, Communications Director, Financial Director, and Recruitment Director. The Webmaster will be responsible for managing DemTex’s social media arm as well as the DemTex website making sure it is up to date and easy to use. Communications Director will be in charge of all other forms of publicity for DemTex especially in terms of designing promotional materials; the DemTex Communications Director will work with Senate’s Communication Director and Multimedia and Press Committee in order to fulfill this task. Financial Director will manage DemTex’s budget as well as work with Senate’s Financial Director and Veronica Cantu, Legislative Student Organization Accounting Clerk. Recruitment Director will be charged with planning tabling event and information sessions about the DemTex program in general and about specific courses as they are introduced, the Recruitment Director will also be responsible for helping to determine target audiences for specific courses as they are created. For more information and to access the application go to for any questions and to submit the application contact Joey Dominguez or Kevin Boening at

Fall Turkish Language and Culture courses

TUR 601C (fall) and 611C (spring) allow students to fulfill their language requirement in one year. There are great study abroad opportunities for students who complete this sequence.

Society and Politics in Turkish Film (MES 342 #42375/MEL 321 #42195) – fun for students interested in film, politics, Turkey, and the Middle East in general.

Teach English Abroad Info Session

Dear UT Student,

Each year, language schools around the globe hire American college students and graduates to teach English simply because they speak it. Wouldn’t it be great to really KNOW how to teach what you speak so well?

UTeach-Liberal Arts and the International Office’s ESL Services have designed a unique six-hour course in June that includes learning to Teach English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) followed by, in July-August, a six-week Internship Abroad as a TESOL intern in China or Mexico.

ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED to 30 Participants: MEXICO (10) CHINA (20)  Apply here!

Summer Session I – In Austin, June 6-29, 2013

  • Principles of Teaching (3 hours daily)
  • Teaching English as a Second Language (3 hours daily)
  • Hands-On Internship in an Austin language school (2 hours daily)

Summer Session II – In China, Mexico, Austin, June 30*-August 9, 2013

  • ·       Internship, Registration by consent of Course Instructor

More info online.


Theatre for Dialogue

If you have seen Get Sexy. Get Consent. or any Theatre for Dialogue performance, this is the class that trains you to do the work (for upper division credit)!  No experience necessary.

Apply now to be part of the 2013-14 ensemble for:

Theatre for Dialogue

a two-semester class sequence

“This class will teach you so much about yourself and the world in which you live. This type of class, I believe, is what you come to university for; to foster a positive and beneficial relationship and awareness between community and school, between yourself and strangers. I will always cherish this class and what it’s done for me.”(student from VAV class)

What do you have to say about. . . .

·         healthy relationships,

·         sex and consent,

·         gender dynamics,

·         dating violence,

·         sexual assault?

How can theatre be used as a form of activism?

How do you engage your community in dialogue?

What does it mean to be an effective bystander or supportive ally?

Find out by taking the Voices Against Violence Theatre for Dialogue class for upper division credit!

·         Create and perform interactive theatre scenarios about relationships, red flags, boundaries and consent.  No experience necessary.

·         GET UPPER DIVISION ACADEMIC CREDIT (through Social Work, Theatre and Danceor Women’s and Gender Studies) to become part of the Theatre for Dialogue program with Voices Against Violence.  Learn how to use the tools of interactive theatre to create realistic situations that encourage dialogue on issues that impact us all.

·         Application and interview REQUIRED for entrance into Theatre for Dialogue class.  If interested, apply by 4/22/13  (application attached).  Submit your application for the Theatre for Dialogue class to Lynn Hoare, at

Want to know more and see the work in action?  Check it out here:

See our upcoming events here:

College Prep Advisor Position Starting June 2013

The Institute for Public School Initiatives (IPSI) at UT just posted the positions for the College Prep Advisors, listed as Student Development Specialist II.  These positions will be housed in middle schools in four low-income school districts to support campus GEAR UP activities, and will be supervised by our IPSI manager here in Austin.  The GEAR UP program focuses on promoting equal access to education and educational excellence for low-income, underrepresented and underserved students.  Specifically, these College Prep Advisors will support students in academic achievement, rigorous course selection, engaging in meaningful summer activities, and increasing family and community awareness of the GEAR UP program.

To access the UT job postings, just follow this link:

We expect that these positions will be posted for about one more week. There are seven job postings with the same title, with three postings for Edgewood (at Gus Garcia, Brentwood and ET Wrenn), two for Manor (at Manor and Decker) and one each for Somerset and Lubbock  (Somerset Junior High and Dunbar College Prep Academy). The specific posting numbers are:












The Fate of the Book” bookending lecture this Thursday night

Dear LAH community,

As previously announced, this year’s HRC’s prestigious Pforzheimer Lecture, an annual event focused on book history, is co-sponsored by the English Department’s TILTS institute.  This Thursday evening’s Pforzheimer Lecture thus bookends “The Fate of the Book” series begun last fall with opening speaker Nicholson Baker.  This closing lecture will be given by Michael Suarez, director of the Rare Book School at UVA.  As you can see from the title of his talk below, Suarez has generously taken on board this year’s TILTS rubrics.

There will also be a smaller breakout session with Suarez the following morning, hosted by Professor Michael Winship.  That, too, is open to the public (you can RSVP on the TILTS website).

For more info, see:

Please join us for the formal close to what has been an exciting set of year-long conversations!  Oh, and the food has been rather yummy too.


Janine Barchas and Liz Scala (your TILTS co-directors 2012-13)