New Student Services is seeking a diverse group of talented students to develop, plan, and execute the 2014 Summer Orientation program! This is a dynamic opportunity where students receive extensive leadership and social justice training, have the opportunity to work with new students in groups and individually, write and perform in shows, plan large-scale events, and so much more. These students serve a critical role in helping our new students, both freshmen and transfers, transition academically and socially to the University of Texas campus.
• Students from any college and classification are eligible to become an Orientation Advisor.
Students MUST attend one of our Info Sessions to be able to receive an application (Tuesday 10/8, 8:30pm NOA 1.126 — Wednesday 10/9, 5:30pm WEL 2.312 — Sunday, 10/13, 8:30pm NOA 1.126). Required attendance is intentional, because we hope to communicate with students about the level of commitment the experience entails. Students are enrolled in an upper-division course designed specifically for Orientation Advisors and serve on committees in the spring, then work throughout the summer. For more information, visit: