This week of events is a collaboration between The White Rose Society, Texas Hillel, the Gender and Sexuality Center, Black Student Alliance, University Democrats, College Republicans, and the Latino-Jewish Coalition.
Here are the details on next week’s ongoings:
Transgender Identities: Expanding the Concepts of Gender
Tuesday October 22
7:00-8:00PM | UTC 4.110
Shane Whalley is the Education Coordinator of the Gender and Sexuality Center in the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement at the University of Texas at Austin. Ze will be facilitating a workshop to discuss pronoun usage, the different identities under the trans* umbrella, some of the issues people who are trans* are facing on the UT campus, and how anyone can be an ally to the trans* community.
Cultural Lab: Did You Even Realize?
Co-sponsors: Black Student Alliance
Wednesday October 23
6:00-7:00PM | Main Mall
Kyle Clark, Associate Director of New Student Services, will be leading a diversity workshop to encourage self awareness and investigate various degrees of wealth, race, and lived experiences.
University Democrats vs. College Republicans: Immigration
Co-sponsors: University Democrats, College Republicans, and Latino and Jewish Student Coalition
Thursday October 24
7:00-8:00 PM | UTC 4.110
Representatives from the College Republicans and the University Democrats will be joining us for a moderated debate over issues relating to immigration.
Pride Shabbat
Co-sponsors: Texas Hillel
Friday October 25
7:00-9:00 PM | Texas Hillel (2105 San Antonio St.)
Texas Hillel will be hosting a Pride Shabbat to feature and celebrate the contributions of LGBTQ Jews and those that love them. We will be doing some learning about Judaism and sexuality from 7pm-8.15pm, and will then have a community dinner at 8.15pm. There will also be dessert and LGBTQ Jewish trivia. This event and dinner are open for all.