If you are interested in signing up for any LAH lower-division honors classes, please come by the LAH office 2.104 to sign up. We have a great selection of honors classes (listed below).
Remember for upper-division LAH 350 classes you don’t need to sign up. Just register when your registration time comes around! NOTE: If you are a dual degree student (i.e. Fine Arts & Liberal Arts, Communication & Liberal Arts etc..) YOU MUST CONTACT STACEY OR LINDA DURING YOUR REGISTRATION TIME TO BE ADDED IN YOUR DESIRED LAH 350 class. If the class is cross-listed (LAH 350/GOV 379S or LAH 350/HIS) and you are a major in the cross-listed department, you can also register for the class under your major department and it will still apply towards College Honors. The GOV department reserves their seats for majors. GOV majors should go to the GOV department to have your seat reserved. This will ensure you get the GOV/LAH class you want.
30390 LAH 103H The Ideas of Civic Engagement M 4-5:30 GAR 0.102 Carver, L (LAH first year students)
30395 LAH 305 Reacting to the Past TTh 9:30-11 CLA 0.122 Mayhew, L (LAH first-year students)
30400 LAH 305 Reacting to the Past MWF 11-12 SZB 286 Lang, E (LAH first-year students)
34500 CTI 301 Ancient Philosophy and Literature-Honors TTH 9:30-11:00 PAR 308 Dempsey, E
34675 ECO 304L Introduction to Macroeconomics-Honors TTH 3:30-5:00, F 1:00-2:00 WEL 2.224, BRB 1.120 Bencivenga
34680 ECO 304L Introduction to Macroeconomics-Honors MWF 9-10, F 1-2 SAC 1.402, BRB 1.120 Paal, B
35215 E 314L Reading Women Writers-Honors-W TTH 2:00-3:30 CAL 419 MCGINNIS, E
39075 GOV 312P Constitutional Principles: Core Texts-Honors MWF 2-3 BEN 1.122 Dempsey, E
39715 HIS 315L United States Since 1865-Honors TTH 2:00-3:30 GDC 1.406 Restad, P
41399 LIN 306 Introduction to the Study of Language TTh 9:30-11 CAL 221 Quinto-Pozos, D
45070 RHE 309S Critical Reading and Persuasive Writing – Hon MW 2:00-3:30 (time in course Schedule is incorrect) FAC 7 Rechnitz, A
47260 SPN 610D Intermediate Spanish 1:00-3:00 PAR 304
64850 UGS 302 Leadership, Ethics and Animal 2:00-3:30pm PAR 104 Bump (LAH first-year students)
64995 UGS 303 Creative Problem Solving – Honors TTh 2-3:30, F 10-11 FAC 21, CLA 0.124 Speck, L (LAH first-year students)
65390 UGS 303 Shakespeare and the Pursuit of Happiness MW 11-12, F 11-12 PAR 201, CBA 4.326 Bruster, D (LAH first-year students)