Texans Against Genocide is a group founded in the interest of UT divesting from companies that either fund or facilitate genocide in Sudan.
The University of Texas Investment Company (UTIMCO) manages UT’s endowment investments. UTIMCO currently has around 5 million dollars invested in companies that buy oil and provide military equipment to the Sudanese government, which uses the money and supplies to continue the violation of human rights and acts of genocide that the country has been participating in over the past decade. This goes against the core values of the University of Texas. We are above abetting genocide.
Texans Against Genocide (TAG) is currently recruiting students for membership, and for its executive board. Everyone is welcome to join. Interested parties should email TexanAgainstGenocide@gmail.com (no “s” after “Texan”) for more information. Executive board applicants should send their resumes to the aforementioned email and fill out an application at: http://bit.ly/1p64QW6