List of Lower-Division LAH options. If you are interested in taking these classes, you must sign up in the LAH Lower-Division Sign Up Book
ANT 302 Cultural Anthropology-Honors 30490 TTH 9:30-11:00 CLA 0.106 Strong- Fulfills Social Science Requirement and great for IRG and Anthropology majors
ARC 308 Architecture and Society (LAH seats reserved) 00505 TTH 9:30-11:00, T 3:30-4:30 HRH 2.104, PAR 308 Speck- Fulfills VAPA Core Requirement
*E 314L Reading Lit in Context-Honors34120 TTH 2:00-3:30 GAR 2.124 Mallin- If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count! Also counts for CEHET Lib Arts Req.
E 316L Masterworks of Literature: British-Honors34315 MWF 2:00-3:00 MEZ 1.122 Scala, E. Fulfills Humanities Core Requirement
ECO 304L Introduction to Macroeconomics-Honors 33490TTH 3:30-5:00. F 1:00-2:00 WEL 2.224, BRB 1.120 Bencivenga. Fulfills Social Science Requirement and great for ECO and IRG majors.
GOV 312L Issues and Policies in American Gov-Honors : TOPIC Government and Business #TBA TTH 12:30-2:00 Room TBA Roberts, B. Fulfills GOV Core Requirement GOV MAJORS Should take this!
GRG 304E Environmental Science: A Changing World-Honors 36550TTH 5:00-6:30 TH 2:00-3:30 CLA 1.106, CLA 3.102 Meyer, T. AWESOME PART II SCIENCE REQUIREMENT
HDF 313H Child Development: Honors 52300TTH 3:30-5:00 NOA 1.116 DIX
HIS 309L Western Civilization in Medieval Times-Plan II/LAH 38395TTH 2:00-3:30 GAR 2.128 Coffin- ASK LINDA FOR A FORM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS CLASS
HIS 315L United States Since 1865-Honors 38455TTH 12:30-2:00 JES A218A Restad, P. Fulfills US HIS CORE. AWARD WINNING PROFESSOR!
LAH 103H The Ideas of Civic Engagement29465M 4-5:30 WEL 2.246 Carver REQUIRED FOR ALL LAH First Year Students
*LAH 305 Reacting to the Past 29475MWF 11-12 SZB 286 Lang, Elon-If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count! Also counts for CEHET Lib Arts Req.
*LAH 305 Reacting to the Past 29470TTh 9:30-11CLA 0.122 Mayhew, L-If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count! Also counts for CEHET Lib Arts Req.
*RHE 309S Critical Reading and Persuasive Writing – Honors 43730 MW 2:00-3:30 FAC 7 Steel, C-If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count!
SPN 610D Intermediate Spanish 45940 MWF 12:00-2:00 MEZ 1.202 Postigo Olsson, P
UGS 303 Human Rights: Law, Lit-Honors62805MW 9:00-10:00, F 12:00-1:00 PAR 301, SZB 422 Hoad. If you haven’t taken your UGS yet, this is a great option!
UGS 303 Modernity and Art of Uncanny-Honors62865MW 1:00-2:00, F 1:00-2:00 FAC 21, SZB 434 If you haven’t taken your UGS yet, this is a great option too!