Monthly Archives: October 2014

Texas Undergraduate Law Review Opportunities

The Texas Undergraduate Law Review is now accepting applications for new editors! The application and a description of the position can be found on our website at www.texasulr.orgWe will accept applications through November 15th. We are also accepting submissions for the spring 2015 edition of the Texas Undergraduate Law Review Journal through December 12th.

Texas Undergraduate Law Review is the premier pre-law organization on campus. Our chief purpose is to encourage undergraduate students with a passion for contemporary legal issues to pursue their passion through scholarly research. We give undergraduate students across the nation the opportunity to see their legal writing published in a nationally reviewed academic journal.

You can visit our website or “like” us on Facebook for more information. Please direct any questions to

Submit your scholarly legal articles and apply to be an editor today!

Lower-Division Honors Courses

List of Lower-Division LAH options. If you  are interested in taking these classes, you must sign up in the LAH Lower-Division Sign Up Book

ANT 302     Cultural Anthropology-Honors  30490 TTH 9:30-11:00    CLA 0.106   Strong- Fulfills Social Science Requirement and great for IRG and Anthropology majors

ARC 308     Architecture and Society (LAH seats reserved)   00505 TTH 9:30-11:00, T 3:30-4:30   HRH 2.104, PAR 308  Speck- Fulfills VAPA Core Requirement

*E 314L      Reading Lit in Context-Honors34120 TTH 2:00-3:30     GAR 2.124   Mallin- If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count! Also counts for CEHET Lib Arts Req.

E 316L      Masterworks of Literature: British-Honors34315 MWF 2:00-3:00     MEZ 1.122   Scala, E. Fulfills Humanities Core Requirement

ECO 304L    Introduction to Macroeconomics-Honors     33490TTH 3:30-5:00. F 1:00-2:00    WEL 2.224, BRB 1.120    Bencivenga. Fulfills Social Science Requirement and great for ECO and IRG majors.

GOV 312L    Issues and Policies in American Gov-Honors : TOPIC Government and Business     #TBA   TTH 12:30-2:00   Room TBA   Roberts, B.  Fulfills GOV Core Requirement  GOV MAJORS Should take this!

GRG 304E    Environmental Science: A Changing World-Honors  36550TTH 5:00-6:30 TH 2:00-3:30    CLA 1.106, CLA 3.102      Meyer, T. AWESOME PART II SCIENCE REQUIREMENT

HDF 313H    Child Development: Honors     52300TTH 3:30-5:00     NOA 1.116   DIX

HIS 309L    Western Civilization in Medieval Times-Plan II/LAH    38395TTH 2:00-3:30     GAR 2.128   Coffin- ASK LINDA FOR A FORM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS CLASS

HIS 315L    United States Since 1865-Honors     38455TTH 12:30-2:00    JES A218A   Restad, P. Fulfills US HIS CORE. AWARD WINNING PROFESSOR!

LAH 103H    The Ideas of Civic Engagement29465M 4-5:30    WEL 2.246   Carver REQUIRED FOR ALL LAH First Year Students

*LAH 305     Reacting to the Past    29475MWF 11-12   SZB 286     Lang, Elon-If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count! Also counts for CEHET Lib Arts Req.

*LAH 305     Reacting to the Past    29470TTh 9:30-11CLA 0.122   Mayhew, L-If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count! Also counts for CEHET Lib Arts Req.

*RHE 309S    Critical Reading and Persuasive Writing – Honors      43730 MW 2:00-3:30      FAC 7 Steel, C-If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count!

SPN 610D    Intermediate Spanish    45940 MWF 12:00-2:00    MEZ 1.202   Postigo Olsson, P

UGS 303     Human Rights: Law, Lit-Honors62805MW 9:00-10:00, F 12:00-1:00   PAR 301, SZB 422  Hoad. If you haven’t taken your UGS yet, this is a great option!

UGS 303     Modernity and Art of Uncanny-Honors62865MW 1:00-2:00, F 1:00-2:00     FAC 21, SZB 434  If you haven’t taken your UGS yet, this is a great option too!

Courses, Advising, Registration… Oh My! Tips for Spring 2015 Registration & Lower-Division Sign up book available High Noon Oct. 22

The Spring schedule is live! And by now you probably have looked at it and found your perfect list of classes, times and professors.  If you want to make sure the classes work for degree requirements, as well as keep you on track to graduate, or you need help navigating all of your options, choices, combinations etc… call the LAH office at 471-3458 to set up an appointment with either Stacey or Linda and we’ll be happy to help you figure it all out!

If you are interested in lower-division Honors courses, you must sign up to ‘claim your seat’ in the Lower-Division Honors Course book available in the LAH office at high noon October 22

For any upper-division LAH 350 courses you can just register (no sign up necessary). Unless, you are a Dual degree student (e.g. Government and Communication major) you must contact Stacey or Linda during your registration time to be added in to your desired LAH 350 course (as long as it is open).

Registration hint: If the upper-division LAH course is cross-listed with your major department, you should register for it under your department. It will still apply towards College Honors. Many departments have sign up sheets in their offices (I know Government does) and this guarantees you a seat.

Also, don’t forget to claim any needed AP credits.

Here is the web-site for the Center for Teaching and Learning to claim your AP:

And if you still need to take the TX GOV only test to pair with your AP GOV, here is the link for the test and a link for an additional online textbook on Texas Politics

If you want to see a detailed descriptions of Liberal Arts classes here’s the COLA Course Description web-link:



Fulbright Fellowships to Study Abroad in Canada

The Killam Fellowship Program awards students $5,000 each semester to study abroad at one of 18 Canadian universities. This is an exchange program, which means that students will receive in-residence credit, continue to pay their UT tuition, and all grants and scholarships remain in place. In addition to the $5,000 guaranteed award, students will also receive a health insurance allowance and up to $800 for in country travel. Further, the Killam program offers all expenses paid orientations in Ottawa, ON or Washington, DC depending on the semester of study. Students accepted to this program are eligible for additional UT Study Abroad scholarships as well, making this an extremely affordable program.

The 18 partner universities are located across Canada including Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec. Between all of the available institutions, there are opportunities for all majors and disciplines. The Killam Fellowship program offers association with the Fulbright organization in addition to some of the highest ranked universities in the world.

Please see the attached flyer for details:  Killam Fellowship Program

The December 10th deadline is for applicants wishing to study abroad during the 2015-2016 academic year.

Mastering the Congress: Political Reform 50 Years After the Great Society, Oct. 20

Fifty years ago, President Lyndon Johnson used his mastery and knowledge of the US Congress and his command of the political process to garner bipartisan support for his “Great Society”, enacting some of the most significant legislation in modern history.

Now our political process is mired in partisan bickering, stalemates and government shutdowns. To investigate the causes and consequences of America’s partisan and political divide, the LBJ School of Public Affairs invites you to a lunch and afternoon panel discussions with elected officials and experts on modern political reform.

This event is free and open to the public but registration is required. Free parking is available on a first come, first served basis in Lot 38, the LBJ Library parking lot.

The afternoon will open with welcome remarks by LBJ School Professor Angela Evans, former Deputy Director of the Congressional Research Service and director of the Policy Research Project Report “The Reclamation of the U.S. Congress.”

The Honorable Charlie Gonzalez and the Honorable Henry Bonilla of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Commission on Political Reform will speak about the Center’s recommendations for specific reforms to improve the political process during a luncheon event.

Eric S. Heberlig and Bruce A. Larson, authors of “Congressional Parties, Institutional Ambition, and the Financing of Majority Control”will discuss the competition for majority party control and the wide-reaching implications of this phenomenon in a 30-minute book talk.

The afternoon will conclude with a one-hour public forum with an open public Q&A with all of the panelists moderated by political scientist John C. Fortier.

This event is part of the LBJ School’s “50 for 50” initiative, a special series of 50 events for 50 years, exploring the critical civil rights issues of our time such as human rights and social justice and calling for a renewed effort to “get things done” in order to improve the lives of all citizens.


Upcoming MA Economics Program Information Sessions

Interested in a master’s degree in Economics? Learn more about the new 10-month, 10-course MA Economics program at an information session featuring program faculty, students, and staff.

Information sessions will be at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, October 29 and Wednesday, November 19 in BRB 2.136.

The session will provide participants with opportunities to obtain information and ask questions in an intimate setting. To attend either information session date, please email your RSVP to:

Detailed information about the MA Economics program is available online at:

Pre-Health Professions Certificate

If they are pursuing health professions prerequisites, apply for the Pre-Health Professions Certificate :

Because this is a new certificate, and as the College of Natural Sciences transitions to becoming a closed college, restrictions will not be in place for health professions prerequisites for this registration cycle. That said, seats in BIO446L and BIO365S/165U will be very tight for spring. If you register for these courses and do not appear to be graduating in May, you may be dropped to make room for a graduating student.

For students in colleges outside of CNS who took the qualifying courses (CH301 and Calc I or SDS 302) before this certificate was catalogued (Fall 2014), we will accept grades of C- or higher to be admitted to the Certificate. Students beginning Fall 2014 or after are expected to adhere to the B- grades for the qualifying courses.

Claimed or transfer/dual credit will be accepted for the qualifying courses. For transfer/dual credit, the same grade threshold applies on the same timeline mentioned above (C- if taken prior to Fall 2014, B- if taken Fall 2014 forward).

Liberal Arts Pre-Med Society Meeting with EMS Guest Speaker

Meeting Information: General meeting with Longhorn EMS as guest speaker.

Date & Time: Tuesday, 10/21, 7:30 pm

Place: BUR 108

Description:LAPMS is student organization at the University of Texas. We seek to fulfill the University’s need for an organization that welcomed students from all colleges embarking on a non-traditional route to medicine. Whether our passions lie in government, psychology or biochemistry, we all share the common aspiration of helping others via the field of medicine. Through volunteer opportunities, social events, and peer counsel, the Liberal Arts Pre-Med Society aims to support and encourage all those on the journey to medical school.

Spring 2015 Domestic Study Program in San Francisco

Spend the Spring 2015 semester conducting ethnographic research on gentrification and Black out-migration while taking classes at San Francisco State University and earning University of Texas credits!  Undergraduates from all majors are eligible to apply.

Reserve your spot before October 17, 2014 —there are only 10 spaces available.

For details and to sign up now, contact Dr. Omi Jones at

Visit our website for more information:

UT Law Fair 10/23

Are you considering law school? If so, don’t miss the 2014 UT Law Fair!

Law Fair is an annual event that brings representatives from 120+ law schools to campus to recruit UT students. UT Law Fair is one of the largest school-sponsored law fairs in the nation! This is a unique opportunity to learn a great deal about many different law schools all in one day. Oftentimes the person at the booth is the same person who will be reading your application down the road! Law Fair is free and open to the public. Business casual dress is recommended.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Texas Union Ballroom

More Info…   

 Even with over 120+ law school representatives attending the Law Fair, not all schools can attend.  In some cases, law schools will provide info sessions for our students.  Such is the case with Columbia Law, ranked fourth in the U.S. News and World Report for “Best Law Schools.” Columbia Law School is hosting an info session on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm LACS Library (FAC 18) – no RSVP necessary.