I need a couple of LAHers to volunteer to serve as LAH Student Ambassadors to meet and greet prospective students and their families at our LAH Information Sessions this fall semester. Your responsibilities would be to speak with our guests about your experiences in LAH, UT, dorm life, etc.. basically everything about being a student at UT and in LAH. The sessions begin Friday, September 11 from 9:00-11:00 (first hour is with students and parents, second hour just with parents) in the LAH Commons Room and run every Monday and Friday until November, 23. If you can make it for both days great! If not, that’s ok as long as I have other student representatives. You can also come for the first hour 9:00-10:00 or 10:00-11:00 or stay for both Please email me: samorous@austin.utexas.edu if you are interested. Thanks!
Daily Archives: September 1, 2015
Documentary Film – Marketing Internship
My team and I are in the final phases of a documentary about the lives of seven Vietnam War veterans (see link to the trailer below) and I’m looking for a graduate or undergraduate student interested in interning to help us with the marketing of the film. I’m looking for a student. Would you mind circulating this among LAH students to see if someone might find it to be a good fit with their interests? We have a terrific and talented team – all of them doctoral students in counseling psychology.
The marketing would have three foci: PBS stations, film festivals, and community groups (including veterans groups).
Tasks for intern
The goal of this internship is to assist with the promotion and marketing of The Mark of War across three primary platforms: PBS stations (local and national), film festivals (local and national), and community groups (local and national). Principal tasks include:
- Research and locating target populations for community outreach, including veteran’s groups, community centers, counseling centers, etc.
- Assist with tasks related to creation of promotional materials, including testing the website, collecting content, etc.
- Research and locate potential venues for screenings and/or promotion of film, including film festivals, local programs/centers, conferences, etc.
- Assist with distribution of promotional materials, including digital outlets via email/listservs, etc., and physical channels via posters, flyers, etc.
- Contribute to social media promotion of film through Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Thanks very much,
Ricardo Ainslie
Ricardo Ainslie, Ph.D., ABPP
M.K. Hage Centennial Professor in Education
University of Texas at Austin
View the MARK OF WAR Trailer here (https://vimeo.com/121571454)
LBJ Grad School Recruiting Events
Thinking about graduate school? Interested in Public Affairs? Join us for one of our upcoming events to learn more.
The LBJ School of Public Affairs at UT Austin will be hosting multiple events this fall, and we’d love to meet you! Here’s a list of our upcoming visit opportunities on campus:
- September 17th– Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) Fair
- September 21st– LBJ School Open House
- Click here to register
- October 5th– LBJ School Open House
- Click here to register
We’ve also got two events in Washington, DC in case you’re traveling, studying, or just happen to be in the DC area:
- September 14th– Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) Fair
- September 15th– LBJ School Prospective Student Reception
- Click here to register
If you can’t make it to any of the events listed above, we also host small information sessions on Friday mornings. Please visit http://www.utexas.edu/lbj/prospective/visiting for more information or email us at lbjadmit@austin.utexas.edu.