New Course: AMS 370 The History and Future of Higher Education

The History and Future of Higher Education

EDA 391S and AMS 370

Julia Mickenberg (American Studies) and Rich Reddick (Educational Administration)        

This experimental and experiential course examines the university in American life, past and present, as a means for imagining its possible futures.

This course is a prototype for the type of research-based learning community that we hope to foster through a new Innovation Center on campus. Working collaboratively, undergraduates and graduate students will conduct original research on the role of colleges and universities in American life, past and present. Students will also engage with members of the university community and beyond through guest speakers, and a culminating conference during which class members will present their research to the public. Students will be active players in all aspects of the course. Admission requires permission of instructors. Qualifies for writing and independent inquiry flags.


Likely course texts:

Andrew Delbanco, College: What it Is, Was, and Should Be

Zadie Smith, On Beauty

Lucas, C.J. American higher education: A history

Additional readings as assigned



Active participation

Two short papers

Research paper

Reading/research diary

Public presentation