Daily Archives: October 20, 2016

Scholarships for International Students

Spring 2017 scholarship opportunities available from the International Office for international students. All applications are due by November 1st, are open to both graduate and undergraduate international students, and are available for completion online below:


                     Tuition Assistance for Mexican Students (TAMS) – provides a waiver of the nonresident portion of an international student from Mexico’s tuition bill. Eligibility requirements state that you must be a citizen and resident of Mexico who demonstrates financial need. Awards are limited, so the process is competitve and receiving the TAMS is not guaranteed.


                     General ISSS Financial Aid – This $2,500/semester award pays towards the tuition bill and is available to international students with financial need who have completed at least 2 semester at UT.


                     Ethel Loving de Diaz Scholarship – Incoming and current Mexican international students who demonstrate financial need and are working to fund their degree are eligible to apply for this $1,500 award.


                     The Society of Iranian-American Women for Education (SIAWE) Scholarship – a $1,000 award that recognizes a student of Iranian descent who demonstrates financial need and academic excellence. The award can either be applied towards the spring tuition bill or be paid out in cash


If you or your students have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at intlfinaid@austin.utexas.edu.  


STA 372 5-Financial/Econometric Time Series Modeling

This course is now open to non-business majors.

STA 372 5-Financial/Econometric Time Series Modeling

Applied skills course that focuses on statistical forecasting methods used in business. Subjects may include Box-Jenkins models; exponential smoothing models; ARCH/GARCH models for varying volatility in financial returns; seasonal adjustment of time series; tests for non stationarity of time series; and modeling multiple time series. Each subject is illustrated with real data using series such as interest rates and stock returns.

Prerequisites:  Upper-division standing, and Statistics 309 or 309H with a grade of at least C-; Additional prerequisite: Statistics 371G, 371H, 375, or 375H.  Will accept other courses to satisfy prerequisites, but the student must contact Professor Shively directly (see below) for permission to register for this course if they don’t have the ones listed above. 

Tom Shively  Professor
Information, Risk, and Operations Mgmt.

CBA 6.446    (512)471-1753

Research Areas: Marketing Models, Statistical Analysis.


Black Honors Students Association Meetings

Come out to Black Honors Students Association! We will be having a discussion about the experiences of black honors students on campus! BHSA Meetings are every other Thursday and are a great opportunity at UT to meet black honors students! Our goal is to create a sense of community among students of color in honors programs on campus and we would love for you to join in! 

Interested students can send their email to amallen@utexas.edu

The remaining meetings for this semester are: 10/27, 11/10 and 11/17