Daily Archives: March 1, 2017


The Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies is now offering a number of travel scholarships for study abroad in Latin America, both for summer 2017 and for academic year 2017-2018.  For summer 2017, we are offering four $2,500 travel scholarships.  Students must attend degree-granting institutions in Latin America this coming summer and return with at least six hours of college credit.  For academic year 2017-2018, we will award six $5,000 travel scholarships for semester-long study abroad in Latin America.  Awardees must attend degree-granting institutions in Latin America and return with at least 12 hours of college credit.  


Applications and letters of recommendation are due on March 8, 2017, without exception.  Please follow the link to the scholarship portal:




Student job posting in the Student Division

For the final time this semester, we are hiring peers in the Student Division! We are looking for 2 undergraduate students who can work at least 10 hours a week answering the phones, doing paperwork, and helping students get in touch with academic advisors. This is not a work-study position, and they must be able to work during the summer. This is a great job for students who want to gain office/administrative experience, and it is flexible around their class schedules. The job can be found on hirealonghorn.org under “Senior Student Associate/Peer Advisor” or Job ID 64746. Please pass this on to students as you see fit.

Hashtag Diplomacy: Foreign Policy in the New Media Era

Clements Center event: Hashtag Diplomacy: Foreign Policy in the New Media Era

With Philip Seib, Professor at the University of Southern California

Thursday, Mar 02, 2017 | 12:15-1:30 PM | Eastwoods Room (UNB 2.102)


The Clements Center and the School of Journalism are honored to host Philip Seib, Professor of Public Diplomacy, Journalism, and International Relations at the University of Southern California, on Thursday, March 2nd, at 12:15pm at the Texas Union’s Eastwoods Room (UNB 2.102). Prof. Seib will be speaking on “Hashtag Diplomacy: Foreign Policy in the New Media Era” drawn from his recent book The Future of Diplomacy (Polity 2016). This event is free and open to the public. 


Call for exhibition proposals — UT’s Visual Arts Center

Do you have an exhibition idea you’ve always wanted to bring to life? Some research that you’d like to show in a new, creative or provocative way? Center Space Gallery is open for proposals! We’re looking for three exhibitions for the 2017-2018 calendar.

Not sure what Center Space is?

The Center Space Gallery in the Visual Arts Center is available to the students of the University of Texas at Austin to curate thematic group or solo exhibitions of their own work or the work by others. Center Space Project, under the auspices of the Visual Arts Center, is a student-run organization that advocates student work by assisting exhibiting artists in all aspects of the process. Both novice and experienced exhibitors are encouraged to seek experimental and innovative modes of curation in any and all media: 2-D, 3-D, digital media, performance (live and recorded), and other experiential forms.

Call for proposals

This call for exhibition proposals is open to all undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students at UT Austin. Center Space applications are reviewed by an all-student committee along with Visual Arts Center staff.

Curators of selected proposals will be asked to develop a public program/event related to the exhibition, and will be assisted by the Center Space Project all-student committee along with VAC faculty and staff in the process. It is not required to include programming ideas in the proposals, but applicants should consider them while developing the exhibition and its narrative.

Three proposals will be selected: two for Fall 2017 and one for Spring 2018.

The deadline is March 20. Applications and more information can be found at https://utexasgrad.slideroom.com/#/permalink/program/35549/7YNcVtOoLt.

Further questions can be sent to centerspaceproject@gmail.com