Black Women in the Age of #MeToo Symposium

Black Women in the Age of #MeToo Symposium happening May 3rd & 4th

The symposium addresses the unique and complex challenges Black women face with multiple forms of violence–from intimate to state–in our global world. The symposium will engage participants in campus and community wide dialogue that promotes mental health, social justice, and interpersonal violence prevention. We hope that you’ll help us share details about the symposium to students, faculty and staff who hold identities as Black women, women-identified and gender non-conforming people, or to those who work closely with these communities.

 In addition to the keynote by Tarana Burke (Friday May 4th 4pm at LBJ Auditorium), social justice advocate and founder of the ‘metoo’ movement, the symposium will also feature an Intra-Community Conversation on Violence and Collective Healing (Thursday, May 3rd 6-8 pm), an opportunity to participate in a focus group (Friday, May 4th 1-3 pm). 

To register for the Keynote, sign up here. To register for the Intra-Community Conversation, sign up here. To register for the Focus Group, email or call (512) 471-8770. The Facebook pages for the symposiumintra-community conversation and focus groups might also be helpful resources to distribute through social media.

The symposium is free and open to the public.