Daily Archives: September 7, 2018

LAH Fall Student Ambassadors Needed Beginning Monday, September 17th

LAH Fall Student Ambassadors needed Mondays and Fridays beginning September 17th

Do you like people? Do you like to talk? Want to be a LAH  Student Ambassador? Stacey needs a few LAH Student Ambassadors to meet and greet prospective students and their families at the LAH Information Sessions this fall semester beginning Monday, September 17th  Your responsibilities would be to speak with guests about your experiences in LAH, UT, dorm life etc.. First Year LAHers  taking Reacting to the Past MWF 10:00-11:00 could serve as an Ambassador and escort the visitors to class.

The sessions are Mondays and Fridays, from 9:00-11:00 (first hour is with students and parents, second hour just with parents)  in the LAH  Commons Room and run  until November, 30th.  If you are able to make it for both days (Mondays and Fridays) within the scheduled session time great! If not, let Stacey know what days and hours you are available.

If interested, please email Stacey by Wednesday, September 12th samorous@austin.utexas.edu  with your availability and if you are also able to serve as an escort to Reacting to the Past in SZB 380 at 10:00.

*LAH Scholars can apply these hours towards a Community Service Enrichment Experience credential.


LAH Undergraduate Paid Assistant Position

LAH Undergraduate Assistant Position

The Liberal Arts Honors Program Associate Director, Dr. Monique Pikus, is seeking an undergraduate assistant for the 2018-19 school year. The student will work with Dr. Pikus and her graduate assistant on LAH event programming, diversity and inclusion efforts, curriculum expansion, and/or researching college and departmental honors best practices at peer institutions. Specific tasks will be determined by program priorities and student’s ability and interest. The assistant will work a maximum of 10 hours per week and the pay is $10/hour. Please note that undergraduates currently working for LAH are not eligible for this position. In addition, priority will be given to students with work study. Interested students should submit their resume, a short letter of interest (maximum of 500 words), and a list of two references to Dr. Pikus at mpikus@austin.utexas.edu by Friday, September 14, 2018.