“Alternative Breaks” Opportunity

Alternative Breaks (AB) is a program within the Longhorn Center for Community Engagement that sends small groups of UT students to different cities around the United Stated to help individuals grow as leaders and learn about social justice issues through an immersive service experience.

Alternative Breaks is great for students who are passionate or interested in learning more about social justice. These students will spend their spring break learning and giving back to various communities.

The program also encourages and leads service projects year-round with participants in order to learn more about and give back to their communities.

This year, AB will serve three communities facing the issues of:

–       Immigration Reform (McAllen, TX)

–       Systemic Racism (New Orleans, LA)

–       Community Voice in the Wave of Gentrification (Houston, TX)

We are currently looking for students who may be interested in participating on the trip- as well as leaders to guide the planned trips. Leaders are not required to have prior AB experience.

Attached below are the application links for both participants and Trip Leaders/Coordinating Board members.

Leader Application (Trip Leader/Coordinating Board): Deadline – September 21, 2018


Participant Application: Deadline – October 10, 2018


For more information on Alternative Breaks, please visit our website at www.utbreaks.org