“The Marketplace of Ideas: A Brief (and Unhappy) History of the Press Clause” – A Public Lecture by Historian Sam Lebovic, George Mason University
When: 7 p.m. Thursday, March 5, 2020, Where: Joynes Reading Room (CRD 007)
Sam Lebovic is a Professor of History at George Mason University and author of the book _Free Speech and Unfree News: The Paradox of Press Freedom in America_. In his visit to the Joynes Reading Room, Professor Lebovic will present a public lecture entitled “The Marketplace of Ideas: A Brief (and Unhappy) History of the Press Clause.”
This event is sponsored by the Plan II Honors Program and the BB&T Chair in the Study of Objectivism in the UT Department of Philosophy, and is presented as part of the 2020 First Amendment Scholars Program. This event is free and open to the public. The Joynes Reading Room is located in the Carothers building at 2501 Whitis Ave. on the UT Austin campus. For more information, call 512-471-5787.
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/133547104650856/?notif_t=event_calendar_create¬if_id=1582831134628549