OUR is looking for 2020-2021 research ambassadors! Please see below for more information; application can be submitted here. If you have any questions, please send us an email.
This fall, all events and activities will be virtual.
Each year the Office of Undergraduate Research seeks passionate undergraduates to serve as Student Research Ambassadors — the public face of student research at events for internal and external audiences, where they share their stories of becoming researchers whose experiences combine the teaching and research missions of the university. Students in this program develop their ability to share their research narrative with a general audience.
The Academy of Undergraduate Researchers Across Texas is a collaboration between UT’s Office of Undergraduate Research and the LAUNCH office at Texas A&M University. AURA-Texas gives exceptional student researchers the chance to network with counterparts at another institution, attend professional development workshops, and showcase the ways in which their research serves the state of Texas.