Monthly Archives: October 2020

Texas Exes Vick Advising Award

Texas Exes invites you to nominate an advisor for the Texas Exes’ 2020 – 2021 Vick Advising Award 

The Texas Exes James W. Vick Award for Academic Advising recognizes individuals who improve students’ overall experience at The University of Texas at Austin through outstanding advising. Each year, five winners are awarded $500 and are recognized with an awards ceremony in April. The nomination and selection process is done solely by students. 

 We ask for your assistance in recognizing outstanding advisors by submitting your nomination today. 

 Deadline to submit nominations is Fri., November 13, 2020 at 11:59pm. 

 Please feel free to share this message with other university colleagues. 

For questions, contact  

Texas Exes Jean Holloway Award

Texas Exes invites you to nominate a teacher for the Texas Exes’ 2020 – 2021 Jean Holloway Award 

 The Jean Holloway Award was created in 1970 with an endowment from past Texas Exes president Sterling Holloway and his wife, Jean. It has been supplemented over the years by gifts from Jean’s daughter and her grandchildren. Now the award is presented annually to a teacher in the College of Liberal Arts or Natural Sciences. 

 Recipients must demonstrate a warm spirit, a concern for society and the individual, and the ability to impart knowledge while challenging students to independent inquiry and creative thought. They must also show a respect for and understanding of the permanent values of our culture. 

 The award amounts to more than $4,500 annually, and the nomination and selection process is done solely by students. 

We ask for your assistance in recognizing outstanding teachers by submitting your nomination today. 

 Deadline to submit nominations is Mon., November 9, 2020 at 5:00pm. 

 Please feel free to share this message with other university colleagues. 

For questions, contact 

Inventors Practicum Course Advertising: NSC 325

Upper Division Science Credit for Developing STEM Product Solutions with Industry Experts!

Enroll in an Inventors Program Practicum, NSC 325, to develop actionable, impactful solutions for real-world challenges posed by industry and government. Design alongside faculty and industry experts and an interdisciplinary team of students. If you love the solution you build, apply for an Inventors summer fellowship and more! 

By enrolling you’ll automatically be part of the CNS Inventors Program which offers events, faculty-led and inspired advanced projects, and summer fellowships. No pre-reqs required. All majors welcome. First-generation and underrepresented students are strongly encouraged to register.

Enroll to…

  • Immerse yourself in an authentic project
  • Network with experts
  • Apply STEM and business knowledge to new problems
  • Explore a potential startup business idea based in a STEM-connected field
  • Build your resume with professional communication and collaboration skills in high demand by graduate schools and industry
  • Earn credit toward the Entrepreneurship minor, some BDPs, certain degree-specific credits, and gain an Independent Inquiry flag too!
  • Spring 2021 classes below!

Challenges in Cybersecurity with Trend Micro

  • 47775 TTH 12:30-2pm
  • (some coding experience helpful to develop digital cybersecurity solutions)
  • Hybrid Format: Elect to participate online or in-person

STEM for National Security with the CIA

  • 47780 TTH 2-3:30pm
  • (partner with government intelligence experts to develop solutions to policy in practice questions around emerging technology)
  • Hybrid Format: Elect to participate online or in-person

Military Innovation with Hacking for Defense (DoD)

  • 47785 TTH 3:30-5pm
  • (collaborate with military researchers to design products for military and civilian use which address specific needs)
  • Hybrid Format: Elect to participate online or in-person

Specific Course Descriptions Here!
Recorded Info Session Here!

Schedule an Inventors Mentorship Consultation Here!

Live Info + Q&A sessions on Wednesdays from 3:30-4pm CST

  • Zoom ID: 98409161818
    (UT Austin Zoom Account Required)

Fully-Funded Public Service Fellowship for College Juniors

The Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Program is accepting applications for the Junior Summer Institute (JSI) Fellowship!

This is a rigorous academic graduate-level preparation program for undergraduate juniors committed to public service careers. The purpose of the JSI Fellowship is to prepare students to obtain a Master’s or joint degree, in public policy, public administration, international affairs, or a related field. Applicants must demonstrate involvement in working to improve historically underserved or underrepresented communities. Applicants for this cycle must graduate with their first bachelor’s degree between December 2021 and August 2022. Deadline: November 15, 2020. 

If you have any questions, please contact Executive Director Simone Gbolo at

Post-Bac Scholarships

Students interested in any of the scholarships below should contact UT’s Office of Distinguished and Post-Bac Scholarships They can provide support and advice on applying to any of these opportunities.

For LGBTQ students (all ages, undergrad and grad alike):

For applicants during their junior year:

For applicants during their senior year:


  • The James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program (Carnegie Foundation)
  • campus deadline: 5pm January 3rd, 2021 to
  • Please note: as part of a diversity initiative, the Gaither Program has increased the number of applications each campus may offer in order to accommodate students from historically underrepresented groups.


  • The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship 
  • national deadline: January 4th, 2021

FIG &TrIG Mentor Recruitment for Fall 2021

Interested in helping new Longhorns tackle the same challenges you faced? Gain leadership experience, help connect students with campus resources, spread UT spirit and traditions,and earn some extra money by applying to be a First-Year Interest Group (FIG) Mentor!

is now available online. More information about the position and commitment is posted on our website. FIGMentorInfo:

The deadline to apply for Fall 2021is on November 22, 2020. For NEW Mentors both the application and two recommendation forms must be submitted by the deadline. The recommendation form can be filled out by a UT student leader, staff, or faculty member. They must have a UT EID. Students currently enrolled in FIGs are advised to ask their facilitator to fill out one of their recommendation forms. Please email fig@austin.utexas.eduwith any questions.

Sustaining Democracy Book Club – Fall 2020

The current political and cultural climate in the U.S. has made it clear that the foundational principles of our system of government — democratic norms, rule of law, and civil freedoms, among others — are both insufficiently understood and insufficiently valued by great swaths of the public. The same can be said of the opposite: The threats posed by authoritarianism, extreme partisanship, and political corruption to civic life and a humane society are also poorly understood and under-appreciated. The Jefferson Center has a critical role to play in helping UT students understand and navigate this dangerous and illiberal moment, in which the center seems no longer to be holding.

“Sustaining Democracy” is a new book club that provides UT students a space in which to read and discuss key thinkers and texts, both canonical and contemporary, that lay the foundations for democratic and ethical governance. Readings will highlight the specific ways that ethical and democratic governance is undermined by authoritarianism, tribalism, and corruption. Fall 2020 meetings will be held biweekly via Zoom, usually on Thursdays at 5 pm (alternating with The Jefferson Book Club). Readings will average 1-2 chapters per meeting.

During the Fall 2020 semester, we will be reading and discussing How Democracies Die, by Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. Participants are responsible for acquiring their own copies of the book.

Meeting Schedule

Thu 10/22, 5 pm:
Introduction and Ch.1 (Fateful Alliances)

Thu 11/5, 5 pm :
Ch.4 (Subverting Democracy) and Ch.5 (The Guardrails of Democracy)

Tue 11/17, 5 pm:
Ch.6 (The Unwritten Rules of American Politics)

Thu 12/3, 5 pm:
Ch.7 (The Unraveling)

The “Sustaining Democracy” book club is open to all UT students. To join, register at:–srz8sGdZPI4XbjA_fKat9UpRMMWJP

Professional Development Workshop: Networking in Washington D.C

WHEN: Tuesday, 13 October at 4pm

WHERE: (Meeting ID: 925 7365 9646)


As part of the Clements Center’s mission to prepare students for careers in public service, we are pleased to host a Professional Development Workshop on Networking in Washington D.C. featuring former Clements Center students, Kelsey Ritchie and Maria Pereyra-Vera.  At the workshop, our panelists will talk to students about how to network, the etiquette of networking, and their own personal experiences networking in D.C. This workshop is designed for all students interested in careers in public service in the federal government, intelligence community, military, and large-scale international organizations. Maria is currently Special Assistant in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Kelsey currently works for Deloitte’s defense and national security consulting practice.

Texas A&M’s online Public Service Weekend

The Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University seeks undergraduate students interested in restoring trust in public service and leading the way. We host an annual Public Service Weekend that will be ONLINE this year for those who have self-identified as future public servants interested in nonprofits, government agencies (local, state and federal), national security organizations, government contracting, think tanks, international NGOs, and more.  

For a few hours late afternoon/early evening on Friday, Nov 6 (2:30-6:40 PM) and the morning of Saturday, Nov 7 (10:00 AM-12:40 PM), attendees will hear about public service careers and what benefits they offer, participate in a career workshop, attend breakout sessions over various career sectors, join a faculty-led exercise, have Q&A opportunities with both an alumni panel and current students panel, learn the graduate admissions timeline and how to be competitive, and discover how grad school funding works. Network and fuel your passion for service while learning the next steps to take from professionals who live it!

WHAT: Public Service Weekend hosted by the Bush School at Texas A&M

WHEN: November 6-7 (Fri-Sat), 2020


WHO: Those who exhibit leadership skills, demonstrate an interest in public service, support diversity, and have a 3.0+ GPA (or other marks of academic distinction)


Download our PSW 2020 Flyer

Click here to REGISTER

APP DEADLINE: Wednesday, November 4. We will provide reminders and a Zoom link days before the event.

Still have questions? Email or call us at 979-862-3476. We’ll be glad to help.