What is WiSTEM?
Women in STEM, is an initiative launched by the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement (DDCE) in 2021. WiSTEM connects students, educators, and professionals to the worlds of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) through recruitment initiatives, supportive structures, and educational services designed to promote the success and advancement of women, girls, and gender minorities in STEM fields. WiSTEM strives to recruit and retain women and gender minority STEM students and to provide a supportive community that encourages the success of women and gender minorities at The University of Texas at Austin. All students are welcome to join in!
WiSTEM Focus
WiSTEM will work to fulfill the critical need to educate and expose students to transdisciplinary, holistic experiences that increase the sense of belonging, STEM identity, and STEM self-efficacy and will engage our university community of over 12,000 current undergraduate and graduate women and gender minority students in STEM majors with career and leadership programming and role model and mentor engagements. Women in STEM (WiSTEM) will also focus on K12 outreach and STEM education reaching 12,000 K12 students plus 12,000 families, educators, and community partners annually. Initiatives under the WiSTEM umbrella include:
WiSTEM Canvas Community
Each academic year, WiSTEM creates an online community in Canvas. STEM students will be automatically invited to this community and it will appear in your Canvas dashboard once you accept the invitation. This is a really convenient online portal for information, announcements, and opportunities. Take some time to browse Canvas and connect with others in your field of study! The WiSTEM Canvas Community serves as a way to connect students with opportunities, information, and ways to engage in their communities of support. Weekly posts on Mental Health Mondays, Wellness Wednesdays, and Thankful Thursdays serve as regular reminders on the importance of self-care. Anyone can join our community through this link! If you have accepted the invitation and decide you no longer want to be a part of the community, email wistem@utexas.edu to be removed.
Opportunities for campus and community programs/events/initiatives:
Company Opportunities & Workshops
Research & Graduate School Opportunities
Student Orgs, Scholarships, & Leadership Opportunities
WiSTEM Social Media
WiSTEM Launch Party
January 2022
More details coming soon!
Invite Others to Join the WiSTEM Canvas Community:
Share the link for others to join in: https://utexas.instructure.com/enroll/9YWEBG. All STEM students, all genders, welcome!
More Questions?
Feel free to reach out to wistem@utexas.edu with questions or connect with WiSTEM Student Programs Director, Ana Dison, anadison@utexas.edu