Daily Archives: February 21, 2023

UT Co-op Mitchell Undergraduate Awards

Applications are now open for the 2023 University Co-op George H. Mitchell Student Awards for Academic Excellence.

Each spring, with the generous support of the University Co-op, UT recognizes up to five undergraduate students for superior scholarly or creative achievement. Four will receive awards of $5,000 and one student will receive the top award of $7,000.

The application and all supporting materials must be received by Tuesday, March 21.

Who can apply?

  • Applicants must be either a junior or senior currently enrolled at UT or a UT graduate who received their undergraduate degree in December 2022.
  • Students must demonstrate superior scholarly or creative achievement through a notable paper or thesis, research project, creative or artistic endeavor, or other product of their academic work.
  • Submitted work should be finished or almost finished (e.g. a complete draft of a thesis or research paper).
  • Previous Mitchell Award recipients are eligible only if the submitted work is a completely different project.

How to apply

Students can complete their applications via Interfolio. More information about the process can be found at provost.utexas.edu/awards/mitchell.

Please encourage outstanding students in your programs to apply for the award. If you have any questions, please contact us at undergraduateawards@utexas.edu.

Longhorn Center for Academic Equity

Please help spread the word that applications for this summer’s Explore Law are open. Explore Law’s goal is to increase the numbers of high-priority undergraduate students from the University of Texas at Austin, Huston-Tillotson University, and Austin Community College who apply to and are accepted into law school. Over the last eight years, we’ve had nearly two hundred students complete the program, and over 95% of them are presently on a path to and through law school.

The cornerstone of the program is the four-week summer program. This summer the program will run 20 July to 11 August. We are planning to meet in person. Participants who complete the program earn a stipend, are eligible for free LSAT prep, and connected with a law school mentor.

Applications are due Friday, 10 March, 11:59P Central. Please encourage interested students to apply as soon as possible.

I’m attaching a PDF and JPG of our flyer, along with a digital-screen-ready slide. Students can check the website for information and updates, including several upcoming info sessions. You can always encourage students to email me with questions. ericdieter@austin.utexas.edu


Health Careers Mentorship Program Application

Interested in shadowing and mentorship? UT Austin’s Health Careers Mentorship Program is dedicated to teaching mature, motivated pre-health students about both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care through shadowing, mentorship, and professional development opportunities. HCMP offers 80+ hours of physician shadowing in various specialties. The application timeline and information session dates can be found on their Website

AMS Spring Workshop

Our next AMS Workshop is Friday, February 24 featuring Dr. Laurel Mei-Singh, Assistant Professor in Geography and the Environment at UT, with a talk titled, “Feminist Earth-Writing Against the Legacies of Martial Law in Hawai’i.”

The presentation will start at 1:15 p.m. in Burdine 436A.

See the flyer below for the AMS Spring Workshop schedule!

Strauss Center Brumley Fellowship Applications Closing Soon!

For Undergraduate Students: The Brumley Next Generation Scholars Program

The Brumley Next Generation Scholars Program provides research training and mentorship opportunities for promising UT undergraduates interested in careers in national security, civic engagement, and local, national, and international policy issues.

As part of the Brumley Next Generation Scholars Program, Scholars are expected to:

  1. Register for PA 325 Next Generation Scholars Research, a 3-credit research training and professional development course taught by Dr. Stephanie Holmsten and Dr. Michael Mosser in Fall 2023. Scholars are required to participate in all sessions of the course, which are expected to meet every Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm in Sid Richardson Hall at the LBJ School of Public Affairs.
  2. Commit time during the spring semester to work with a mentor to refine the ideas generated and workshopped in Fall 2023 to produce op-eds, policy memos, communications with elected representatives, or the like.
  3. Earn a stipend of $750, awarded in Spring 2024. Students may use this stipend to conduct independent research, travel to a study abroad program or summer internship, attend a professional conference, or engage in other experiential and scholarly pursuits approved by program faculty.
  4. Make a concerted effort to attend Strauss Center events and conferences, including the annual Brumley Scholars trip to Washington, DC over the winter break.

Please visit the Strauss Center’s Brumley Next Generation Undergraduate Scholars website for application information.


For Graduate Students: The Brumley Next Generation Fellows Program

The mission of the Brumley Next Generation Fellows Program is to provide a transformative experience for UT graduate students from an array of disciplines, accelerating their path towards career success through an emphasis on building professional and scholarly skills and networks. Students selected for the Brumley Next Generation Fellows Program participate in the life of the Strauss Center and receive support in several ways:

  1. Participation in Public Events on Behalf of the Strauss Center. Fellows are expected to maintain a deep level of engagement with the Strauss Center. As part of the Brumley Speaker Series, each Fellow is responsible for identifying a policymaker, practitioner, or scholar working in the Fellow’s policy field of interest, who will be invited to the UT campus to provide a public talk. Each Fellow will be responsible for introducing their guest speaker and moderating a short Q&A session at the public talk.
  2. Brumley Fellows Colloquium. In conjunction with the Brumley Speaker Series, Fellows will have access to a semi-monthly luncheon during which the Fellows convene for two purposes: 1) ongoing discussion of one another’s work, and 2) engagement with the Brumley Speaker Series guest speaker, to discuss substantive issues in their field, connections to the Fellows’ policy areas of interest, and career development. The date and time of each colloquium is dependent upon the respective guest speaker’s schedule. In addition to the public talk and Brumley Fellows Colloquium, a small group dinner with the guest speaker and their respective Fellow is held as part of the speaker’s visit to Austin, typically scheduled the night before the public talk.
  3. Research, Writing, and Professional Mentorship. Each fellowship is connected to one of the Strauss Center’s current research programs. Under the guidance of a faculty mentor, and backed by the financial support detailed below, Brumley Fellows will conduct their own research project and submit it to the Strauss Center by May 31, 2024. The mentor will assist the Fellow in developing a research plan, help determine the form of the final product, and advise on career and professional development matters. Fellows will be required to meet regularly with their mentor as part of the fellowship requirements.
  4. Receive Funding, Contingent Upon Participation. Fellows will receive a fellowship award in the amount of $3,000 for the 2023-24 academic year, disbursed evenly in the first few weeks of the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters. Fellows will also be eligible to apply for additional funding from the Strauss Center, in support of travel for conferences, research expenses, and other scholarly or professional activities approved on a case-by-case basis.

Please visit the Strauss Center’s Brumley Next Generation Graduate Fellows website for application information.

The application deadline for both programs is March 1, 2023 at 11:59 pm CT. For any questions about the Brumley programs or application process, contact Brittany Horton at brittany.horton@austin.utexas.edu.

Foreign Language Teaching Excellence Awards – Student Nominations Due Mar. 1

TLC Foreign Language Teaching Excellence Awards

Encourage your department’s students to nominate their excellent FL instructors!

Nominations are still open for this year’s Foreign Language Teaching Excellence awards!

Each year the Texas Language Center awards two foreign language educators—one UT faculty member and one graduate student Assistant Instructor—with a plaque and monetary prize, recognizing them for their superior knowledge of and enthusiasm for teaching language and culture. This process is entirely student-nominated, and we’d be very grateful if you would pass on the message below and attached flyer to your students of world languages!

Do you have an amazing Foreign Language instructor? Someone who goes above and beyond to educate and inspire their students about the language and culture they teach, whether on Zoom or in person? If so, please nominate them for the Texas Foreign Language Teaching Excellence award with this short, mobile-friendly formDeadline: March 1, 2023.