Please save the date for 2018 Lavender Graduation. Lavender Graduation is a special graduation ceremony that honors the achievements of graduating LGBTQA+ students on campus. This year’s keynote will be Sebastián J. Colón-Otero, LCSW Diversity Coordinator-Latinx Community Liaison, Counseling and Mental Health Center.
The ceremony will be Wednesday, May 16th 4pm, SAC Ballroom & the reception & LGBTQ+ Alumni Celebration will immediately follow in the Connally Balloroom of the Etter Harbin Alumni Center
Please also join us for Black Graduation & Latinx Graduation, (hosted by our friends in the Multicultural Engagement Center) more info to come soon from the MEC.
To register or RSVP for Lavender Graduation: click here Everyone is welcome to attend! Students should register by May 4th to be in the program, and be guaranteed a rainbow tassel, stole, and certificate day of the event, however, if they missed the deadline and still want to participate they are welcome to register after the deadline, no one will be turned away. Alums who didn’t have to opportunity to walk in Lav Grad are ALWAYS welcome to join!
Do you want to show your support even though you are not graduating? Students, staff and faculty are welcome to volunteer