Author Archives: lshipley

Fulbright U.S. Student Program

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program funds 8 to 12 months abroad to study, research or teach English in countries around the world. 

 The next info session is  Thursday, April 6, from 4-5pm in RLM 7.114. The Campus Deadline is August 31, 2017.



·         Thu-Apr 06, 2017  4:00PM  – 5:00PM   RLM 7.114 

·         Tue-Apr 11, 2017  4:00PM  – 5:00PM   PAR 201    

·         Fri-Apr 21, 2017 12:30PM  – 1:30PM   GSB 2.122  

·         Fri-Apr 28, 2017 12:00Noon- 1:00PM   ART 1.110  

·         Wed-May 03, 2017  2:30PM  – 3:30PM   CLA 0.102


The 2018-2019 cycle opens April 3, 2017.


Fulbright awards graduating seniors, recent graduates and alumni to travel for academic work in all disciplines, including the sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, and the performing and creative arts.  Many countries also offer grants for those who wish to serve as English teaching assistants.


Feel free to contact me for any additional information about the program.





LINDSAY D. JONES  administrative associate, study abroad

International Office  |  The University of Texas at Austin  |  (512) 471-2462  | |  facebook  |  twitter  

Awesome Alternative Natural Science Option – Summer Schedule

If you are willing to commit the two weeks in May to GEO 320L (for non-majors), you can pick up three hours of science by going hiking around Central Texas. The prerequisite is not strictly enforced, if a student hasn’t taken a Geology class before they should just email Dr. Cloos, but it’s most likely fine. The pass/fail aspect is actually ok too, as this course is the exception to that rule. See the attached flyer for more details: geo-320l-course-description

Foot in the Door: Check Please

LAH’s Foot in the Door Theatre presents: 


by Jonathan Rand 

*In movie announcers voice* 

FOOT LICKING. BANANAS. PIRATES. All of this AND MORE In “Check, Please!” by Jonathan Rand! This show features your archetypal Girl and Guy find themselves going on a series of blind dates with a cast of bizarre, potential love interests all in an effort to find themselves and eventually, each other.

ART 1.102

April 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th at 7pm 

April 9th and 15th at 2pm

TICKETS $5 for students/UT faculty, $10 general admission

*tickets sold at the door approximately 30 minutes before the show starts*

Directed by Kinsey Shackelford and Sidney Schubarth

Produced by Victoria Fazzino and Sandy Schwalen


Girl-Smitha Nagar

Guy-August Stromberger

Kim-Jessica Starich

Hank-Caroline Culberson

Ensemble-Mayuri Raja

Shane Moloney

Ujwal Madhavapeddi

Leila Hamouie

The Un.Incubator: Grit, Guts, and Impact – Student Weekend

We have three scholarships available for this workshop!  To apply for a scholarship, submit a half page to Linda ( explaining why you want to attend by 5 pm on April 7th.

lThe Un.Incubator is an innovative program that inspires social entrepreneurs and creatives to make possible the change they want to see in our community. We’re based at 710 West 35th Street, just north of campus.

 We are excited to announce our first Grit, Guts, and Impact – Student Weekend on May 26 – 28, 2017.

We invite students to participate in this three-day workshop on social impact, innovation and entrepreneurship. Students will explore their passions, learn the ins and outs of personal branding, participate in a lean canvas demo and map out their next steps as entrepreneurs.  

 Included in the three-day program are daily tours of grassroots startups and impact organizations founded by local Austinites. On the schedule for the student weekend are tours with 3 local grassroots social entrepreneurs.

The cost of the weekend program is $250. The registration fee includes all programming, tours, transportation, food and drinks for the weekend. 

Students are also invited to join us for a free happy hour on Sunday, May 28 at our space on W. 35th. This is a great networking opportunity for students interested in social impact, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Knight- Hennessy Scholars Program

We will be hosting an info session next week for the Knight -Hennessy Scholars Program Thursday, April 6, 2017 from 12 noon – 1 pm in CLA 1.302E (the Glickman). The Knight-Hennessy Scholars program is a new graduate-level scholarship aimed at preparing the next generation of global leaders to address the increasingly complex challenges facing the world. Starting in fall 2018, Knight-Hennessy Scholars will annually select up to 100 high-achieving students with demonstrated leadership and civic commitment, who will receive full funding to pursue a graduate education at Stanford. Scholars may pursue studies at any of university’s seven internationally top-ranked graduate schools, and will be educated to navigate across business, government, academia, and the nonprofit sectors. To learn more, attend the upcoming information session:

Apply now for the Clements Center for National Security’s Undergraduate Fellows Program

The Clements Undergraduate Fellows Program is committed to teaching, mentorship, professional development, and research with UT-Austin’s youngest aspiring statesmen and scholars. Fellows will convene monthly throughout the academic year to participate in discussion groups, meet privately with high-profile guest speakers, be mentored by the Clements Center’s affiliated scholars, and exchange ideas on their course projects. Each year also include at least one field tour of a nearby historic site related to diplomatic and military history. Application due April 14th. Details and instructions can be found here. Questions? Join us at our April 4th Info Session in the Texas Union Governors Room.


CWGS Undergraduate Assistant – Paid opportunity for Fall 2017 and Spring 2018

The Center for Women’s & Gender Studies (CWGS) seeks an Undergraduate Assistant 

(5 hours/week at $10/hour) to help with the WGS Undergraduate Initiative (SAGE) program, and CWGS social media. 


The goal of SAGE is to connect like-minded students (WGS majors and other feminist/queer scholars), to build community, and to help grow the Women’s & Gender Studies major.  SAGE is open to all majors, minors, and any student interested in Women’s and Gender Studies.

More information can be found here: 

SAGE operates with the help of two graduate student facilitators and one Undergraduate Assistant. All SAGE Team Members participate in creating and completing weekly action items.  The Undergraduate Assistant serves as the first contact for SAGE social media/publicity/emails announcements, acts as undergraduate major liaison/focus group of one, meets weekly with the SAGE facilitators, and coordinates CWGS social media.

As CWGS Social Media coordinator, the Undergraduate Assistant will work with the Senior Events Program Coordinator to promote CWGS events and programs on all social media outlets.

Ideal candidates should have an understanding of social justice and WGS issues; strong organizational skills; enthusiasm for working with undergrads, performing outreach, and promoting WGS scholarship; attention to detail and time management; and the ability to work within deadlines.

Interested candidates should send a letter of interest (addressing why are you interested in the position), resume/CV, and UT EID, to   

Please apply by April 3rd.