Author Archives: lshipley

LAH Major Coffee Chats

LAHSC would like to host “Major Coffee Chats” during the week of April 10-14, where LAH upperclassmen could hold something like “office hours” in a coffee shop, and LAH lowerclassmen could come visit and ask questions about the major, professors, classes, etc. 

Upperclassmen, please sign up here if you’re available to help out: 

Liberal Arts Honors Quiz Bowl Tournament

We are having our annual Quiz Bowl Tournament this Saturday, March 25th from 11am-2pm (or whenever it ends) in MEZ 0.306. Participants can sign up in teams of up to 4 people, but 2-3 person teams are okay. Also, participants do not all have to be in an honors program to participate. There is a $10 entrance fee per team (not per team member) and we will be providing refreshments and prizes! Sign ups close this Friday, March 24th at midnight. 

We want to recruit as many teams as we can with students from all majors!

Here is the link to the facebook event: LAHSC Presents: Quiz Bowl

And here is the link to the team entry form (it is also included on the facebook event): LAHSC Quiz Bowl Entry Form

Please let me know if you have any questions! 

Summer & Fall 17: Previews, buttons, & social media

We’ve gotten an early start on promoting Summer 17! Even though the course schedule won’t be published until next Tuesday, our college’s course descriptions are now live,! The “Courses” link on each department’s website are defaulting to Summer 17. Only courses with descriptions in the system,, will appear so populate any “missing” courses soon.


Fall 17 course descriptions will be posted a week before the course schedule is due to go live on Wed., Mar. 29.


We’ll also be highlighting courses through flyers, blogs, videos, and social media posts.


Please follow, like, and share our posts:


Clements Center Events

Clements Center presents America Abroad: The United States’ Global Role in the 21st Century

Wednesday, Mar 22, 2017 | 12:00-1:30 PM | Eastwoods Room (UNB 2.102)

On March 22, the Clements Center is pleased to host Dartmouth Professors Stephen Brooks and William Wohlforth for a talk based on their book America Abroad: The United States’ Global Role in the 21st Century (Oxford University Press, 2016). The talk will be held in the Texas Union Eastwoods, UNB 2.102, at 12pm. This event is free and open to the public. 


Clements Center presents Women and National Security Lecture Series

Friday, Mar 24, 2017 | 12:15-1:30 PM | Eastwoods Room (UNB 2.102)

The Clements Center, Intelligence Studies Project, Strauss Center, and Women in Foreign Affairs are excited to host Michele Malvesti, Professor of Practice in International Security at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, on Friday, March 24th, at 12:15pm in the Texas Union’s Eastwoods Room. Prior to her career as a professor, Dr. Malvesti served more than five years on the National Security Council staff, including as the Senior Director for Combatting Terrorism Strategy. During this period (2002-2007), she advised the President’s National Security Advisor and Homeland Security Advisor on counterterrorism policy and strategy. She currently serves on the Director’s Advisory Board for the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). This event is free and open to the public.


Clements Center presents Info Session: Undergraduate Fellows Program

Thursday, Apr 06, 2017 | 12:30-2:00 PM | Texas Governors’ Room

Please join us on April 6th, in the Texas Union’s Governors’ Room UNB 3.116 from 12:30-2pm, for an info session about our Undergraduate Fellows program. Associate Director Paul Miller will be there to answer any questions you might have about the application process, requirements, and program. Applications for the 2017-2018 Undergraduate Fellows program are due on April 14th, 2017 by midnight. 


Clements Center presents Info Session: Student Professional Development Fund

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2017 | 12:00-1:00 PM | Texas Governors Room

The Clements Center is pleased to award funding to undergraduate and graduate students who secure unpaid internships in the fields of national security and foreign policy. Please join us on April 19th, in the Texas Governors’ Room UNB 3.116 at 12:00pm, for an information session on our Student Professional Development Fund. Associate Director Paul Miller will be there to answer any questions you might have about the application process, requirements, and funding. Applications for Summer 2017 funding are due April 24th by midnight. 


Apply to Jefferson Scholars

The unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates

Applications to the Jefferson Scholars Program are now open! To apply, visit the Applicants page.

The Jefferson Scholars Program is a challenging, six-course integrated sequence in the great books and ideas of the ancient, medieval, and modern worlds. Taught by stellar faculty and including extensive opportunities for discussion and practice in writing, this program allows you to meet six UT core requirements while earning the Certificate in Core Texts and Ideas, which will be recognized on your transcript at graduation.

An Education for Liberty
You are young, talented, and the world lies before you. No one else can decide for you how you should use the unprecedented freedom we enjoy in America. Reflect on what freedom is, when and why it is good, and how you might best take advantage of it.

An Education for Leaders in Every Field
Learn what great leadership is all about. Learn to ask the questions no one else is asking, but should be. Explore the deepest needs and passions that motivate people. Reflect upon where we should be going as a people, and what it might take to get us there.

An Education for Life
Have great conversations. Make friends with fascinating people. Think about what you really believe in, and what you really want to accomplish in this one life you have to live.

Plan II Pre-Med Society hosts Adolescent Book Drive

Plan II Pre-Med Society is putting on a Book Drive to collect adolescent/young-adult books for People’s Community Clinic, a clinic serving the indigent and uninsured community in Austin.  They specifically want books for their new Adolescent Resource Room.  If interested in contributing, please drop off adolescent books in the Plan II Office or at the Joynes Reading Room Front Desk between 3/20 and 4/3.  Plan II Pre-Med will sign off volunteer hours if minimum 2 books are donated.  Please contribute!

Contact Person – Scott Spivey, Social & Event Coordinator,

Apply Now! Get Involved with the Counseling Center & Earn Credit!

Apply now to be part of the 2017-18 cohort for:

Counseling and Mental Health Center Peer Educators

 Application DEADLINE is March 31!

What do you have to say about . . .

Stress management,



Public Health?

How do you engage your community in dialogue about college mental health?

What does it mean to be an effective bystander or supportive ally to a friend in need?


GET ACADEMIC CREDIT (through the Department of Health Education and Kinesiology) to become part of the next cohort of Peer Educators for the Counseling and Mental Health Center! Open to undergraduate students only.


This three-semester course trains students to become Peer Educators for the Counseling and Mental Health Center and give presentations across the UT campus to their peers. 


Application and interview REQUIRED


To apply, complete the online application by Friday, March 31st at midnight.  For more information go to


Questions? Contact Marian Trattner,


The Fulbright U.S. Student Program funds 8 to 12 months abroad to study, research or teach English in countries around the world. 




Thu-Mar 09, 2017  5:00PM  – 6:00PM   CPE 2.218  

Tue-Mar 21, 2017  3:30PM  – 4:30PM   BUR 224    

Thu-Apr 06, 2017  4:00PM  – 5:00PM   RLM 7.114 

Tue-Apr 11, 2017  4:00PM  – 5:00PM   PAR 201    

Fri-Apr 21, 2017 12:30PM  – 1:30PM   GSB 2.122  

Fri-Apr 28, 2017 12:00Noon- 1:00PM   ART 1.110  

Wed-May 03, 2017  2:30PM  – 3:30PM   CLA 0.102


The 2018-2019 cycle opens April 3, 2017. Fulbright awards graduating seniors, recent graduates and alumni to travel for academic work in all disciplines, including the sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, and the performing and creative arts.  Many countries also offer grants for those who wish to serve as English teaching assistants.

Call for Applications: 2017-18 Brumley Next Generation Fellowship Programs

Undergraduate Students: Next Generation Scholars 

The Strauss Center launched the Next Generation Scholars (NGS) program in 2010 with the goal of providing new research and mentorship opportunities for promising UT undergraduate students interested in careers in international security and law. Through a partnership with the RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service, this program now also includes a focus on civic engagement, expanding the reach of the program by engaging more students and involving faculty members on a wider range of local, national, and international policy issues. Involving undergraduates in international affairs and civic engagement early in their career is an important part of the Strauss and RGK Centers’ missions to prepare the next generation of leaders to help develop solutions to the most pressing public policy challenges.


This one-year program includes two key components: First, students will take a 3-credit research training and professional development course, taught in the Fall of 2017. This course is designed to introduce students to policy work, including basic skills in policy research, analysis, and writing. Students will be trained on designing research strategies and proposals, conducting policy analysis, writing resumes and statements of purpose, crafting op-eds and blog posts, and planning for the steps in their career development. This course will be led by Dr. Kate Weaver, Associate Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and a Strauss Center Distinguished Scholar.


Second, in the spring semester, the Next Generation Scholars will work closely with Dr. Weaver on a collaborative policy report and blog site. Students should expect to maintain weekly contact with Dr. Weaver and the NGS coordinator and also meet biweekly for short meetings to assess progress on research and writing. The exact schedule for the spring will be determined at a later date to work around students’ course schedules. Students will also be awarded a stipend of $500 for the spring semester. Students may use this stipend for independent research, travel to a study abroad program or summer internship, travel to a professional conference, or other experiential and scholarly pursuits approved by Dr. Weaver. Funding permitting, and contingent on positive performance evaluations, students may have the possibility of continuing as research interns at the Strauss or RGK Center after the year-long Next Generation Scholars program concludes.


Please see the attached documents for application information. The application deadline for both the Brumley Next Generation Fellows and Scholars programs is March 28, 2017. For more information about the programs, please contact Anne Clary at


Poet Matthew Zapruder reads from his “Why Poetry”

Poet Matthew Zapruder reads from his “Why Poetry”

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

7 to 8:30 p.m.

Reading is followed by a reception and book signing.


Award-winning poet, editor, and translator Matthew Zapruder reads selections of his poetry and from his forthcoming book, Why Poetry, “an incisive argument for poetry’s accessibility to all readers.” 

Author of four poetry collections, Zapruder is also the poetry editor for the New York Times Magazine and editor-at-large for Wave Books. 

Co-sponsored by the New Writers Project. 

Read Zapruder’s thoughts on why poetry is necessary:

Share the event via


This event is free and open to the public; donations welcome.  


Harry Ransom Center

300 W. 21st Street

The University of Texas at Austin

Austin, TX 78712
