Category Archives: Dates and Deadlines

Pinto Carver Scholarship Application Due Jan 21

The Topic

In the Dictionnaire Philosophique (1764), Voltaire wrote, “Le mieux est l’ennemie du bien” (“The best is the enemy of the good”), a saying often quoted, often repeated in various forms. The late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan in a 1987 speech, for example, put it this way: “If we get into the mind-set where the good becomes the enemy of the best, we will get nothing.” Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with Voltaire’s assertion. Needless to say, the more well developed your thoughts, the more specific your language, the better.

Eligibility: Current Liberal Arts Honors Freshmen and Sophomores

Specifications: 750-1000 words, titled, double-spaced, and typed, with your name in the upper-right hand corner. No cover page.


1st Prize: $1500

2nd Prize: $500

3rd Prize: $250

Submission Deadline: Friday, January 21, 5:00 p.m. in the Liberal Arts Honors Office. The judges reserve the right to withhold awards in the absence of prize worthy essays

Ransom Reading Group Times

We are still waiting for two of the RRG professors to finalize their times, but here are the times we know right now.  All the sessions will take place in the LAH Commons Room.

1/18: 5-6pm, The Finkler Question (Dr. Carver)

1/19: 5-6pm, Freedom (Dr. Sullivan)

1/24: 4-5pm, Mountains Beyond Mountains (Dr. Ekland-Olson)

1/25: 6-7pm, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Dr. Casey)

1/26: 5-6pm, Parable of the Sower (Dr. Jensen)

1/27: 4-5pm, Tracks (Dr. Cox)

Did you get Zapped?

Linda and I have noticed that a few of you lost your spring schedule.   If you were in honors classes we may be able to keep your seat.  Call or email us and we’ll see what we can do for you.  The next time you will be able to re-register for classes is Wednesday, January 12– Registration for the spring semester for continuing students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 14.

Those of you who paid by the January 6 deadline can access the registration system to add/drop/get on waitlists etc.. Today (Jan. 10)

French Upper Division Placement Exam

The department of French and Italian will give the placement exam for FR 320E and 322E on Tuesday, January 11th from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. in HRH 2.118:

Students MUST register for this exam by contacting Dr. Tom Vessely via email:

More information can be found on our website here:

320E. Advanced French I: Written Emphasis. A four-skills course with emphasis on grammar and writing skills. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: French 612, 312L (or 312M), or 312N with a grade of at least C.

322E. Advanced French II: Oral Emphasis. Development of speaking and listening skills, with emphasis on grammatical accuracy and fluency. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: French 320E.

Tuition Deadline Thursday January 6 and Other Important Dates

Don’t forget to pay your tuition bill by this Thursday, January 6 at 5:00 pm!

Other Important dates below:

University Calendar link:

January 11
Tuesday Registration for the spring semester for new and readmitted students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 14; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 21
January 12
Wednesday Registration for the spring semester for continuing students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 14; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 21.
January 13–14
Thursday–Friday Add/drop for the spring semester for students who registered and paid their tuition by January 6.
Registration for the spring semester for new, readmitted, and continuing students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 14; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 21.
January 21
Friday Last day of the official add/drop period; after this date, changes in registration require the approval of the department chair and usually the student’s dean. (See General Information, chapter 4, for details.)
Last day undergraduate students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the registrar.
Last day graduate students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the graduate dean.
Last day law students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the dean.

Dates for Tuition Payment and Add/Drop

January 6 Thursday 5:00 pm: Tuition payment deadline for undergraduate students who registered for the spring semester by November 5. Tuition may be paid in full or in installments

January 10 Monday Add/drop for the spring semester for students who have registered and paid their tuition

January 13-14 Thursday–Friday
Add/drop for the spring semester for students who registered and paid their tuition by January 6.
Registration for the spring semester for new, readmitted, and continuing students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 14; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 21.

Getting Into Law School for Dummies! Sponsored by Liberal Arts Council

Getting Into Law School for Dummies! Sponsored by Liberal Arts Council
Time: 5:30-7:00pm, on Wednesday, October 13th
Location: UTC 4.132

If you have even the slightest desire to go to law school someday: This is a can’t miss event! Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors can benefit from this opportunity. We are lucky enough to have several wonderful guest speakers coming. First, Dr. Sam Riley, Director of Admissions at UT Law School, will discuss the the admissions game and how to make your application most effective! Second we have representatives from Princeton Review talking about the LSAT and the law school application timeline! Don’t wait until it is too late. Prepare yourself now!

Find the event on Facebook!:!/event.php?eid=123724667682731

Fall Bridging Disciplines Application Deadline: Friday, October 15


Learn More about the Bridging Disciplines Programs!
How can you benefit from the BDPs?
How do you choose the right BDP for your interests?
How can a BDP complement your degree plan?
What is the application process for the program?
How can I write a successful BDP application essay?

Come to an Information Session with BDP Advisors

Every Tuesday, 11:00am -12:00pm
Every Wednesday, 3:00 – 4:00pm


BDP advisors will answer questions and tell you about the requirements for each program, how a BDP can work with your degree plan, and how to choose the right BDP for you. You will also learn about the application process and hear valuable tips about how to write an effective application essay.


If you cannot attend one of these information sessions, please call
232-7564 to make an appointment.

For All Potential History Majors


We are starting to take applications for the Honors Program in History.

We are looking for energetic, ambitious juniors and sophomores.

For those who don’t know, the honors program consists of a seminar in historiography in the spring of a student’s junior year, and a two-semester thesis doing original research during their senior year.

Many honors students want to combine the program with study abroad, interdisciplinary programs, Normandy scholars, and so on.

In almost all cases we can accommodate this. Some students have taken the honors seminar in the spring of their sophomore year, gone abroad junior year, and done a thesis senior year.

The honors director is happy to discuss your schedule and plan.

History honors is a very substantial credential.

It’s great preparation for all kinds of graduate programs, from history to law, public policy, business, medicine, or education.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member.

We have money for travel and research.

We have prizes for best thesis.

We eat pizza.

The deadline to apply for the spring class is coming up. October 18th. You can get more information from the Director, History advising, and the website

Dr. Coffin will be in her office today, Thursday, October 7 from 2-5 and again tomorrow, Friday from 1-2:30, if you want to come by.

Judy Coffin

Associate Professor of History

Garrison 2. 122

If you are interested in our major, come to the History Advising Office

GAR 1.140 M-F 9-noon and 1-4

Nancy Sutherland, Susan Somers, and  Tom Griffith