Undergraduate Research Poster Presentation

Three members of the CHEES Research Team, Emily Mellen, Finnegan McGoldrick, and Elliot Bolden, presented their research findings at the chemical engineering undergraduate research poster presentation event on December 4th, 2024.

Their poster focused on three main segments of our research to develop a circular economy for single-use plastic waste on UT campus: 3D printing, injection molding, and tensile testing.

From left to right: Emily Mellen, Finnegan McGoldrick, and Elliot Bolden

World of Engineering 2023

The Landaverde Research Group was fortunate enough to have a table representing Chemical Engineering at UT Austin’s World of Engineering event on October 21st, 2023. The event focused on engineering outreach for K-12 students and their families.

Our table featured a Gas Membrane Separator display, a Domestic Water Purification System, and an Injection Molder. Tabling at the event were our four Undergraduate Researchers, Amanda Nguyen, Emily Mellen, Amara Ruiz, and Jeanpaul Lugo, along with Dr. Landaverde-Alvarado and Graduate Student Antoine Chamoun-Farah.
