Currently, the student team is drafting a consolidated set of modules that will serve as the LGBTQ+ health curriculum to be delivered through the app. The process of writing these modules is rooted in extensive research and will also be largely informed by the virtual interviews we intend to conduct over the summer. We are working on revising our previously-submitted IRB application to include an accommodated protocol for online interviews, including considerations for security and privacy given this new data collection platform. Broad module topics for the curriculum include an overview of LGBTQ+ health (with a discussion of important legal rulings); mental health, patient communication; health inequities; trans health; privacy, ethics, and telemedicine; and patient concerns for healthcare planning. Additionally, the app will incorporate a glossary and list of local non-governmental organizations and advocacy groups to connect users with educational resources. While this list is not fully comprehensive, we hope that the curriculum will serve as a centralized guide for providers to access important information. Over the past month, we have been editing these modules with the help of our faculty and graduate student mentors, attempting to tailor the content so that it remains regionally and culturally relevant. The plan is to continue developing the curriculum and app simultaneously throughout the summer, updating the verbal and visual material to faithfully reflect community needs.