Category Archives: Teaching Legal Writing

Legal Writing at Texas–a summary

The legal-writing program at the University of Texas School of Law has been transformed in the last 20 years–mostly in the last 8. We had a student-faculty ratio of nearly 200 to 1, three pass-fail credits (later cut to two), heavy reliance on TAs for instruction, 1-year contracts, and exceptionally low salaries.

We now have a student-faculty ratio of about 50 to 1, four graded credits, instruction exclusively by full-time professional legal-writing teachers, rolling 3-year contracts, and a starting salary above the national and regional averages.

Plus, our program is now the David J. Beck Center for Legal Research, Writing, and Appellate Advocacy. Learn more about the Beck Center and the Beck Center faculty here.

Law schools teach IRAC?

I’m reading a book about legal writing that advises lawyers to avoid using the IRAC model for a legal memo:

Many law schools teach IRAC (Issue, Rule of law, Analysis, and Conclusion) as the format for memoranda. (The acronym is not only wrong, it’s also confusing because some schools teach the C in IRAC as Cases.) However, IRAC makes the reader wait until the end of the paper to learn the all-important conclusion. Avoid IRAC and put your conclusion in the opening of the paper.

The assertions here are wrong in several ways:

  • Many law schools teach IRAC as the format for memoranda.

An initial question: what does the author mean by “format”? The format of a traditional memo is usually this: Heading, Issue Statement, Short Answer, Facts, Discussion, Conclusion. How could IRAC be used for the format? The author probably means “organizational structure,” not format.

Another question: How could IRAC be the organizational structure of a memo—a whole memo? A memo has many parts, some small and formal, with little organizational structure, and others long and analytical, with lots of organizational structure. The author is not as precise as I’d like and probably means this: Many law schools teach IRAC as the organizational structure of the Discussion section of a memo.

Now to my main point. I predict it would be difficult to find even one law school teaching IRAC as the organizational structure for the Discussion section of a memo.

IRAC might be taught as the structure for an exam answer, but not for the Discussion in a memo. Modern legal-writing teachers, with few exceptions, left IRAC behind long ago. If any acronym is used in “many law schools” to teach the organizational structure of the Discussion section of a memo, it’s probably CREAC (Conclusion, Rule, Explanation, Application, Counter-analysis).

By the way, there are many variations on CREAC (like PREACC, CREXAC, SLACCs, TRuPACC, CRuPAW, and more), but they all represent the same core, structural concepts: state your conclusion first, then state and explain the controlling legal principles, then apply the principles to your problem.

In fact, if I’m going to insist on precision and accuracy, CREAC isn’t applied strictly to the Discussion, but to an analysis of a legal issue. So to make the author’s statement accurate, it would need to say this:

Many law schools teach a form of CREAC as the organizational structure for analyzing a legal issue.

Now to some other points. The author also says this:

  • Some schools teach the C in IRAC as Cases.

My opinion: Unlikely to be true. There’s a misunderstanding here somewhere, because the structure “Issue, Rule, Analysis, Cases” makes no sense.

  • Avoid IRAC and put your conclusion in the opening of the paper.

With CREAC, that is exactly what you do—put the conclusion first.

But now I must quibble: you put the conclusion at the beginning of an analytical discussion, not at the beginning of the paper. The beginning of the paper (memo?) is usually the Issue Statement. The author isn’t precise and seems to be using “memo” and “paper” interchangeably; the author also ignores the difference between a memo and the analytical discussion that is one part of a memo.

Why did I write this post?

Am I just being snotty and picky? Maybe so, but the author has hit one of my pet peeves: legal-writing experts who don’t teach first-year legal writing, but who criticize or comment ignorantly about teaching first-year legal writing.

This author now joins two other legal-writing experts I know who comment negatively about how legal writing is taught to first-year law students. Yet all three have never taught legal writing to first-year students and all three make generalizations, uninformed assertions, and incorrect statements about the subject.

Venting done.

Wayne Schiess: 20 years at UT Law

I have been teaching legal writing here at the University of Texas School of Law for 20 years, from 1992 to 2012.

To commemorate that milestone, I had a photo taken of my 7 colleagues with me. It is now framed and hangs in my office.

Back from left: Kamela, Beth, Sean, Wayne
Front from left: Stacy, Gretchen, Elana, Robin

Beck Center created

As a result of a generous gift, the University of Texas School of Law’s legal-writing program is now the David J. Beck Center for Legal Research, Writing, and Appellate Advocacy. (David Beck is a well known lawyer and alumnus.) I will become the Director of the Beck Center.

The Center’s primary focus is the required, first-year course in legal research and writing—now entering the third year of an expanded curriculum made possible in part by Mr. Beck’s gift. The Center also includes several other courses: a new course on legal writing for foreign LLM students, upper-division courses (Transactional Drafting, Writing for Litigation, and Advanced Legal Writing), two judicial-clerkship-preparation courses, and the Law School Writing Center. In addition, the Beck Center coordinates interscholastic moot court, and my colleague Gretchen Sween will become Director of Interscholastic Moot Court.

Who deserves credit for the changes?

During the last 10 years, we’ve had some positive changes in the legal-writing program here at Texas. We’ve had some problems, too, but let’s not go into that.

I may have given the impression that I deserve credit for the changes. I don’t. I was just here when they happened. Let me be specific by listing the major changes and then the party responsible:

Pass-fail to graded—former director

Increase in faculty from 4 to 6—Wayne

Increase in faculty from 6 to 8—faculty committee, former associate dean, donor

Increase in faculty from 8 to 9—dean

Change in role of TQs (teaching assistants)—former dean

Increase in credits from 2 to 4—faculty committee, former associate dean

Salary increase—former dean

Three-year contracts—former dean

Summer research stipends—dean, clinical director