
Link to Google Scholar page

Notes: Underlined author name = supervised student, P = supervised postdoctoral researcher

Selected Working Papers

Albeladi, A., Leibowicz, B.D. Coordination problems and incentive pass-through in carbon capture, utilization, and storage development. Submitted.
      •   Runner Up, Dennis J. O’Brien USAEE Best Student Paper Award, 2024

Colombe, C., Leibowicz, B.D. Optimal subsidies for carbon capture: A Stackelberg game analysis. Submitted.

Refereed Journal Articles

[55] Moglen, R.L., Leibowicz, B.D., Kwasinski, A., 2025. The value of coordination for restoring power and wireless networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 256, 110771.

[54] Liu, D., Leibowicz, B.D., Bard, J.F., Zhu, Y., Guo, Y., Shao, Y., 2025. Optimal investment planning for production networks with fixed production profiles. Computers & Operations Research 176, 106955.

[53] Ma, H., Leibowicz, B.D., Hasenbein, J.J., 2024. Optimal sampling strategy for probability estimation: An application to the Agricultural Quarantine Inspection Monitoring programRisk Analysis, in press.

[52] Moglen, R.L., Leibowicz, B.D., Kwasinski, A., Cruse, G., 2024. Optimal restoration of power infrastructure following a disaster with environmental hazards. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 95, 101974.
      •   Editors’ Choice Paper, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, October 2024

[51] Colombe, C., Leibowicz, B.D., Mendoza, B.R., 2024. The effects of policy uncertainty and risk aversion on carbon capture, utilization, and storage investmentsEnergy Policy 192, 114212.
      •   Dennis J. O’Brien USAEE Best Student Paper Award, 2023

[50] Calci, B., Leibowicz, B.D., Bard, J.F., Jayadev, G.G., 2024. A bilevel approach to multi-period natural gas pricing and investment in gas-consuming infrastructure. Energy 303, 131754.

[49] Sambasivam, B.P, Colombe, C., Hasenbein, J.J., Leibowicz, B.D., 2024. Optimal resource placement for electric grid resilience via network topologyReliability Engineering & System Safety 245, 110010.

[48] Leibowicz, B.D., Zhang, N., Carvallo, J.P., Larsen, P.H., Carr, T., Baik, S., 2024. The importance of capturing power system operational details in resource adequacy assessments. Electric Power Systems Research 228, 110057.

[47] Moglen, R.L., Chawla, K.P., Levi, P., Sun, Y., Phillips, O., Leibowicz, B.D., Jenkins, J.D., Grubert, E.A., 2023. The state of macro-energy systems research: Common critiques, current progress, and research priorities. iScience 26, 106325.

[46] Leibowicz, B.D., Sanstad, A.H., Zhu, Q., Larsen, P.H., Eto, J.H., 2023. Electric utility valuations of investments to reduce the risks of long-duration, widespread power interruptions, part II: Case studies. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 8, 203-222.

[45] Sanstad, A.H., Leibowicz, B.D., Zhu, Q., Larsen, P.H., Eto, J.H., 2023. Electric utility valuations of investments to reduce the risks of long-duration, widespread power interruptions, part I: Background. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 8, 311-322.

[44] Moglen, R.L., Barth, J., Gupta, S., Kawai, E., Klise, K., Leibowicz, B.D., 2023. A nexus approach to infrastructure resilience planning under uncertaintyReliability Engineering & System Safety 230, 108931.

[43] Rueda, V., Young, M.H., Faust, K., Rateb, A., Leibowicz, B.D., 2022. System dynamics modeling in local water management: Assessing strategies for the city of Boerne, Texas. Water 14, 3682.

[42] Kawai, E., Ozawa, A., Leibowicz, B.D., 2022. Role of carbon capture and utilization (CCU) for decarbonization of industrial sector: A case study of Japan. Applied Energy 328, 120183.

[41] Jayadev, G., Leibowicz, B.D., Bard, J.F., Calci, B., 2022. Risk-averse stochastic bilevel programming: An application to natural gas marketsComputers & Industrial Engineering 169, 108151.

[40] Jayadev, G., Leibowicz, B.D., Bard, J.F., Calci, B., 2022. Strategic interactions between liquefied natural gas and domestic gas markets: A bilevel modelComputers & Operations Research 144, 105807.

[39] Motalebi, S., Barnes, T., Lu, L., Leibowicz, B.D., Niet, T., 2022. The role of U.S.-Canada electricity trade in North American decarbonization pathways. Energy Strategy Reviews 41, 100827.

[38] Bourque, C.M., Clarno, K.T., Leibowicz, B.D., 2022. High-level fuel fabrication facility designs from discrete-event simulation. Annals of Nuclear Energy 168, 108893.

[37] Zhu, Q., Leibowicz, B.D., Busby, J.W., Shidore, S., Adelman, D.E., Olmstead, S.M., 2022. Enhancing policy realism in energy system optimization models: Politically feasible decarbonization pathways for the United States. Energy Policy 161, 112754.

[36] Jones, E.C., Leibowicz, B.D., 2022. Climate risk management in agriculture using alternative electricity and water resources: A stochastic programming frameworkEnvironment Systems and Decisions 42, 117-135.

[35] Brozynski, M.T., Leibowicz, B.D., 2022. A multi-level optimization model of infrastructure-dependent technology adoption: Overcoming the chicken-and-egg problem. European Journal of Operational Research 300, 755-770.
      •   INFORMS ENRE Best Paper Award in Environment and Sustainability, 2024

[34] Zhu, Q., Leibowicz, B.D., 2022. A Markov decision process approach for cost-benefit analysis of infrastructure resilience upgrades. Risk Analysis 42(7), 1585-1602.

[33] Waxman, A.R., Corcoran, S., Robison, A., Leibowicz, B.D., Olmstead, S.M., 2021. Leveraging scale economies and policy incentives: Carbon capture, utilization & storage in Gulf clustersEnergy Policy 156, 112452.

[32] Calci, B., Leibowicz, B.D., Bard, J.F., Jayadev, G., 2021. Incorporating learning-by-doing into mixed complementarity equilibrium models. Computers & Industrial Engineering 159, 107472.

[31] Carvallo, J.P., Zhang, N., Leibowicz, B.D., Carr, T., Galbraith, M., Larsen, P.H., 2021. Implications of a regional resource adequacy program for utility integrated resource planningThe Electricity Journal 34, 106960.

[30] Bandyopadhyay, A., Leibowicz, B.D., Webber, M.E., 2021. Solar panels and smart thermostats: The power duo of the residential sector? Applied Energy 290, 116747.

[29] Calci, B., Leibowicz, B.D., Bard, J.F., 2022. North American natural gas markets under LNG demand growth and infrastructure restrictions. The Energy Journal 43(2), 17-40.
      •   Runner Up, Dennis J. O’Brien USAEE Best Student Paper Award, 2019

[28] Kamei, M., Wangmo, T., Leibowicz, B.D., Nishioka, S., 2021. Urbanization, carbon neutrality, and Gross National Happiness: Sustainable development pathways for Bhutan. Cities 111, 102972.

[27] Jones, E.C., Leibowicz, B.D., 2021. Co-optimization and community: Maximizing the benefits of distributed electricity and water technologiesSustainable Cities and Society 64, 102515.

[26] Naeini, M.E., Leibowicz, B.D., Bickel, J.E., 2020. Can you trust a model whose output keeps changing? Interpreting changes in the social cost of carbon produced by the DICE modelEnvironment Systems and Decisions 40, 301-320.

[25] Carvallo, J.P., Zhang, N., Murphy, S.P., Leibowicz, B.D., Larsen, P.H., 2020. The economic value of a centralized approach to distributed resource investment and operationApplied Energy 269, 115071.

[24] Bandyopadhyay, A., Leibowicz, B.D., Beagle, E.A., Webber, M.E., 2020. As one falls, another rises? Residential peak load reduction through electricity rate structuresSustainable Cities and Society 60, 102191.

[23] Brozynski, M.T., Leibowicz, B.D., 2020. Markov models of policy support for technology transitionsEuropean Journal of Operational Research 286, 1052-1069.

[22] Leibowicz, B.D., 2020. Urban land use and transportation planning for climate change mitigation: A theoretical frameworkEuropean Journal of Operational Research 284, 604-616.
      •   Runner Up, INFORMS ENRE Early Career Best Paper Award, 2021

[21] Waxman, A.R., Khomaini, A., Leibowicz, B.D., Olmstead, S.M., 2020. Emissions in the stream: Estimating the greenhouse gas impacts of an oil and gas boomEnvironmental Research Letters 15, 014004.

[20] Jayadev, G., Leibowicz, B.D., Kutanoglu, E., 2020. U.S. electricity infrastructure of the future: Generation and transmission pathways through 2050Applied Energy 260, 114267.

[19] Zhu, Q., Leibowicz, B.D., 2020. Vehicle efficiency improvements, urban form, and energy use impacts. Cities 97, 102486.

[18] Phathanapirom, U.B., Haas, D.A., Leibowicz, B.D., 2020. A game-theoretic approach to nuclear fuel cycle transition analysis under uncertaintyAnnals of Nuclear Energy 137, 107112.

[17] Zhang, N., Leibowicz, B.D., Hanasusanto, G.A., 2020. Optimal residential battery storage operations using robust data-driven dynamic programming. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11, 1771-1780.

[16] Jones, E.C., Leibowicz, B.D., 2019. Contributions of shared autonomous vehicles to climate change mitigationTransportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 72, 279-298.

[15] Leibowicz, B.D., Punjabi, K., O’Shaughnessy, E., Margolis, R., 2019. Rules of the rooftop: Platform design and price reductions in an online solar photovoltaic marketplace in the United StatesEnergy Research & Social Science 48, 194-204.

[14] Leibowicz, B.D., Lanham, C.M., Brozynski, M.T., Vázquez-Canteli, J.R., Castillo Castejón, N., Nagy, Z., 2018. Optimal decarbonization pathways for urban residential building energy servicesApplied Energy 230, 1311-1325.

[13] Brozynski, M.T., Leibowicz, B.D., 2018. Decarbonizing power and transportation at the urban scale: An analysis of the Austin, Texas Community Climate PlanSustainable Cities and Society 43, 41-54.

[12] Deetjen, T.A., Conger, J.P., Leibowicz, B.D., Webber, M.E., 2018. Review of climate action plans in 29 major U.S. cities: Comparing current policies to research recommendationsSustainable Cities and Society 41, 711-727.

[11] Leibowicz, B.D., 2018. Policy recommendations for a transition to sustainable mobility based on historical diffusion dynamics of transport systemsEnergy Policy 119, 357-366.

[10] Vitter, J.S., Berhanu, B., Deetjen, T.A., Leibowicz, B.D., Webber, M.E., 2018. Optimal sizing and dispatch for a community-scale potable water recycling facilitySustainable Cities and Society 39, 225-240.

[9] Leibowicz, B.D., 2018. Welfare improvement windows for innovation policyResearch Policy 47, 390-398.

[8] Leibowicz, B.D., 2018. The cost of policy uncertainty in electric sector capacity planning: Implications for instrument choiceThe Electricity Journal 31, 33-41.

[7] Leibowicz, B.D., 2017. Effects of urban land-use regulations on greenhouse gas emissionsCities 70, 135-152.

[6] Leibowicz, B.D., Krey, V., Grubler, A., 2016. Representing spatial technology diffusion in an energy system optimization modelTechnological Forecasting and Social Change 103, 350-363.

[5] Leibowicz, B.D., 2015. Growth and competition in renewable energy industries: Insights from an integrated assessment model with strategic firmsEnergy Economics 52, 13-25.

[4] Wilkerson, J.T., Leibowicz, B.D., Turner, D.D., Weyant, J., 2015. Comparison of integrated assessment models: Carbon price impacts on U.S. energyEnergy Policy 76, 18-31.

[3] Leibowicz, B.D., 2014. Evaluation of post-Fukushima Japanese electricity strategies: A stochastic simulation modelInternational Journal of Energy Research 38, 1578-1598.

[2] Leibowicz, B.D., Roumpani, M., Larsen, P.H., 2013. Carbon emissions caps and the impact of a radical change in nuclear electricity costs. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 3, 60-74.

[1] Leibowicz, B.D., Abbot, D.S., Emanuel, K., Tziperman, E., 2012. Correlation between present-day model simulation of Arctic cloud radiative forcing and sea ice consistent with positive winter convective cloud feedback. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 4.

National Laboratory Technical Reports

Carvallo, J.P., Zhang, N., Leibowicz, B.D., Carr, T., Baik, S., Larsen, P.H., 2023. A guide for improved resource adequacy assessments in evolving power systems: Institutional and technical dimensions. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Technical Report.

Carvallo, J.P., Zhang, N., Leibowicz, B.D., Carr, T., Galbraith, M., Larsen, P.H., 2020. Implications of a regional resource adequacy program on utility integrated resource planning: Study for the Western United StatesLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Technical Report.

Sanstad, A.H., Zhu, Q., Leibowicz, B.D., Larsen, P.H., Eto, J.H., 2020. Case studies of the economic impacts of power interruptions and damage to electricity system infrastructure from extreme eventsLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Technical Report.

Leibowicz, B.D., Punjabi, K., O’Shaughnessy, E., Margolis, R., 2018. Effects of platform design on the customer experience in an online solar PV marketplaceNational Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report 6A20-71178.

Selected Conference Papers

Bandyopadhyay, A., Conger, J.P., Beagle, E.A., Webber, M.E., Leibowicz, B.D., 2020. Energetic and economic potential for load control for residential customers in Austin, TX. Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 8: Energy. Virtual, Online. November 16–19, 2020.

Bandyopadhyay, A., Conger, J.P., Webber, M.E., Leibowicz, B.D., 2019. A decision support tool for distributed solar and storage investments: A case study in Austin, TX. Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 6: Energy. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. November 11–14, 2019.

Bandyopadhyay, A., Ramirez-Meyers, K., Wikramanayake, E.D., Leibowicz, B.D., Webber, M.E., Bahadur, V., 2019. A capacity planning model for microgrids in rural India. Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 6: Energy. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. November 11–14, 2019.