Category: Benson Collection
The Back Page: Find Out What’s New for 2021–22
2022 Lozano Long Conference, February 24–25 IN HONOR OF the centennial of the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, the 2022 Lozano Long Conference initiates…
The Exhibition on Your Screen: Selected Images from “A New Spain, 1521–1821”
BY ALBERT A. PALACIOS THE VICEROYALTY OF NEW SPAIN was a royal territory in the Spanish Empire formed soon after the invasion and conquest of…
Staff Pick: Tecuichpoch / Doña Isabel de Moctezuma—Madre del Mestizaje
Catalina Delgado-Trunk Papers BY DANIEL ARBINO God, greed, and glory. These values propelled a cataclysm in Tenochtitlan of never-before-seen proportions when Spaniards entered the heart…
Staff Pick: “Camas para Sueños” by Carmen Lomas Garza
Carmen Lomas Garza Papers and Artworks BY SUSANNA SHARPE The first time I saw Camas para Sueños (Beds for Dreams) was at the Laguna Gloria…
(Self)Love in the Time of COVID
BY DANIEL ARBINO IT WAS INEVITABLE: the scent of fresh cut grass reminded me that we were in the middle of spring in Austin, Texas.1…
Staff Pick: Ernesto Cardenal in Solentiname
Ernesto Cardenal in Solentiname, Ernesto Cardenal Papers, 1925–2016 BY DYLAN JOY The acquisition of the Ernesto Cardenal Papers in 2016 marked a renewed focus by…
Message from the Benson Collection Director
I AM SO PROUD to feature the Benson Centennial in Portal. While it is impossible to tell the complete story of this great library in…
Selections from the LADI Repository
BY DAVID A. BLISS THE LATIN AMERICAN DIGITAL INITIATIVES (LADI) website holds archival collections from six of the Benson’s post-custodial archival partner organizations in Latin…
Inside the Agrasánchez Collection of Mexican Cinema
BY DIEGO GODOY THE YOUNG HIGINIO GRANDA stood soldierly as he faced a mansion on Colón Street in Mexico City. Blond, svelte, and possessing a…