Past Issues

Portal, which debuted in 2006, is an annual publication of LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, designed to reflect the broad reach of LLILAS Benson as a collaborative partnership in Latin American area studies and scholarly resources and collections. In addition to highlighting the many projects and people affiliated with LLILAS Benson, Portal also features in-depth articles by faculty, students, and staff on issues of interest. Submissions by students and faculty are welcomed and encouraged.

To obtain a free copy of the print magazine, please contact Susanna Sharpe at 512.232.2403.

Magazine cover. The title "Portal" is written in bold capital letters, all of them bright orange except the "o", which is white. The artwork on the cover is a painting with a mixture of deep blues and more vibrant, lighter blues that swirl, evoking water. There are some brush strokes that look like drops of water falling, and occasional golden strokes as well.
Scherezade García, Untitled (detail). From series Granada–Memories Afloat, 2017. Acrylic and pigment on paper, 22 x 30 inches. Photo by William Vazquez.

2023–2024 Edition

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