Tag: Fernando Luiz Lara
A Love Letter to the Library
LLILAS Benson is proud to announce the publication of A Library for the Americas: The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection by the University of…
Interview: Alessandro de Oliveira dos Santos
Social psychologist Alessandro de Oliveira dos Santos works with people and communities pushed to the brink by economic, social, and environmental forces beyond their control.…
Overcoming Statelessness in Chile
BY FELIPE GONZÁLEZ MORALES Statelessness, or the lack of a nationality, is one of the worst conditions in which migrants and their descendants can find…
Enclaves of Science, Outposts of Empire
BY MEGAN RABY At the end of 1960, near Cienfuegos, Cuba, on the Soledad estate of a US-owned sugar company, the American Director and Cuban…
21 Years of Peace, 21 Million Documents: Revisiting the Digital Portal to the Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional
Editor’s note: According to an August 13 report on the National Security Archive website, “Guatemala’s renowned Historical Archive of the National Police (AHPN) is in crisis after…
“Morir poco a poco”: Desaparición y pérdida ambigua en las vidas de madres activistas en el México actual
Leer en inglés. Por MORAVIA DE LA O Margarita1 ha pasado los últimos nueve años buscando a su hijo Mauricio. Tiene un folder con fotos…
El viaje donde se pierde la inocencia y la niñez: Niños migrantes sin acompañante
POR CÉSAR IVÁN ARANA LÓPEZ La migración de niñas, niños y adolescentes centroamericanos (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras y Nicaragua) y mexicanos que viajan sin acompañantes…
Four Centuries of Rare Documents Will Be Digitized in Partnership with Puebla Archive
BY SUSANNA SHARPE August 8, 2018, was an auspicious day for students of Mexican history. An agreement signed between LLILAS Benson and the Tribunal Superior…