Jianyu Li, a graduate student in Professor Manthiram’s group, received the poster award at the Battery500 review meeting.
Professor Manthiram describes Polysulfide Shuttling in Advanced Science News
Professor Manthiram describes polysulfide shuttling in Advanced Science News. Click here to read the article.
Professor Manthiram Listed as a Highly Cited Researcher
Professor Manthiram was listed in the 2017 Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers under both Materials Science and Chemistry. See the announcement at the link below.
Paper Published by Graduate Student and Prof. Manthiram Highlighted in Science Journal
A paper published by graduate student Chi-Hao Chang and Professor Arumugam Manthiram was highlighted in Science. Read the article in the link below.
Professor Manthiram receives the Da Vinci Award
Each year, the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin gives the Da Vinci Award to a Full Professor who has exhibited outstanding teaching, research, and service. Professor Arumugam Manthiram received the 2018 Da Vinci Award. Many thanks to the Mechanical Engineering Department for this honor.
Manthiram Group Graduate Student receives UT Graduate Continuing Fellowship
Congratulations to Liu Luo for being awarded the Graduate Continuing Fellowship from the University of Texas at Austin. This prestigious award carries extreme competition and is a reflection of the Manthiram group’s commitment to producing not only quality work but high quantities of work, as well. Thank you to Liu for all of your hard work and dedication.