Code developed by Venkat R. Subramanian and MAPLE group students at UT Austin.
Last updated on 12/05/2022. Code is released under MIT-license.
Maple input (as opposed to 2D input) is strongly encouraged.
These examples call the DAE solvers in “DAESolver.txt”.
Please download “DAEsolver.txt” and copy it to the folder with the following examples.
Last Update: 12/05/2022
One ODE and One AE,
Vander Pol’s system,
Simple DAE system which fails in Maple
Vander Pol’s system,
Simple DAE system which fails in Maple
Partial differential equations in one-dimension.
Partial differential equation in two-dimension.
Concentration and potential distribution in an electrolyte in two-dimension.
The file will be reloaded with documentation after removing redundant text/lines
The file will be reloaded with documentation after removing redundant text/lines