Sofia Piperno is one of the undergraduate students who has worked in the micky marinelli’s lab since Spring 2019. Sofia graduated in May 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and a minor in French. She is part of the Neuroscience Scholars program.
In micky marinelli’s lab, Sofia is examining the frequency and types of errors that occur in published literature.
Before joining the micky marinelli’s lab, Sofia was part of the Freshman Research Initiative in the Bioactive Molecules stream. She joined as a student her freshman year and is now a mentor. During the summer after her freshman year, she assisted in the Hsu lab at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.
In Spring 2020, Sofia received funding through the University to perform her own project. She will be working on piloting a Protein Kinase C Epsilon and Opioid Dependence study during Summer 2020.
Sofia plans to attend medical school when she graduates.
In her free time, Sofia is an avid baker and her specialties include sourdough bread made with her own sourdough starter (named Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi- a past princess in her hometown in Italy), pavlova, and risotto. She also likes spending time outdoors gardening, hiking, skiing, and running.