Literary production, currents and politics in Turkey 1960-1980 – Hakkı Başgüney



Başgüney, Hakkı. Literary Production, Currents and Politics in Turkey 1960-1980. , 2014. Print.



-Chapter 1: Literary and Sociological theories

-Chapter 2: international global 60s

-Chapter 3: Turkey in the 1960s and 1970s

-Chapter 4: Literary Production and its impulses

-Chapter 5: Literature and Politics

-Chapter 6: sociological debate



Phd Thesis for a student born in 1978. Mainly creates context and builds timeline based on the yealy compendium reviews in Varlik etc. Very little first-hand experience and accounts.







The extremely dry and formulaic list form of Turkish dissertations you’ve come to know and love. That being said, it focuses on just the right things to make for a very comprehensive history. The three coups were not identical, society was totally different for each one. You get the sense of the late arrival of Marxist ideas.

Key Terms

Criticisms and Questions


very interesting to see that there weren’t actually that many books published every year, and so the canon isn’t out of thousands of books but a dozen for any given year, especially in the 40s and 50s.


Chapter 1: Literary and Sociological theories

-goes through Lukacs and Goldmann (70s leftists fan favorites) and Sartre, not very sophisticated

Chapter 2: international global 60s

Chapter 3: Turkey in the 1960s and 1970s

– Turkey was still in a period of unbalanced development and urbanization process in this period.

-TIP started February 13, 1961 by labor union members. Mehmet ali Aybar.

-CHP led by Bulent Ecevit starting in 1965, eventually became ortanin solu

-3 five-year plans starting in 1963. state assisted in formation of domestic industry by applying import restrictions and high customs tariffs, intervening in exchange rates, and by high wage policies and a policy of agricultural support.

– new constitution limited executive powers, bicameral parliment, constitional court. attempt to limit authoritarianism of last regime.

-Bureaucratic tendency to hegemony was reality, as result of planned economy and belief in well-educated pioneers. Yön was important outlet.

–  Yön founded in1961, leftist intellectuals arguing for rapid economic development, etatism, and state intervention.

-TIP rapidly turned modern socialist party. Early pro-worker character prevented it from becoming influential outside of urban proletariat. TIP’s greatest success not electoral but ideological. Agenda was synthesis of populist, radical, Kemalist, nationalist, and socialist ideas.

-CHP left-wing kemalists supported in the 1970s in its struggle with right-wing powers.

-Soviet literature were more common than Western Marxism, especially youth culture. Criticized petit-bourgeois radicalism from Western youth movements.

-1968 led to break up ageing TIP and create dev-genc. Influential in the 1970s. Also the audience for literary and artistic production of the time. increase in university attendance.

-rock and roll aesthetic cool until late 60s when leftist tried to pose as the “representatives of the people.”

-Cinemateque (1965) alternative to Yesilcam cinema.

– 1964 – Sermet Çağan Ayak Bacak Fabrikası, Brechtian lyrical style and representative of social realism.

-Modern interpetation of folk songs by Ruhi Su.

-two revolutionary theatrical companies: Halk Oyuncuları, Devrim için Hareket Tiyatrosu.

-More Öztürkçe words like soyut, iletişim neden sınav kimlik began to be used in the 1960s.

Chapter 4: Literary Production and its impulses

-literary reviews: Varlık, Yeni Ufuklar, Yeni Dergi, Papirüs, Türk Dili, Yeni a Dergisi, Sanat Emeği, Yeditepe, Milliyet Sanat

– Republican elite systematized their ideology in Kadro (1932), Marxist class warfare on global scale between developed asnd undeveloped coutnreis. but internally a society without class divisions, society as a totality of non-privileged people. (see Asım Karaömerlioğlu, orada bir köy var uzakta)

-Aziz Nesin led the Turkish Writer’s union (Türkiye Yazarlar Sendikası) very influential (nesin yıllığı)

-Ataol Behramoglu – “The translaiton of Marxist classics on one hand and existentialism and surrealism on the other, went hand in hand in beginning of 60s.”

-47liler learned intellectual theory and socialist ideas through art, literature, and history.

-Yaşar Kemal and Orhan Kemal were close frıends. Aziz Nesin and Kemal Tahir were too. But Kemal Tahir and Orhan Kemal has long person conflict.

– Attila İlhan and Kemal Tahir argued for more authentic version of socıalısmç More ındependent and suı generıs ıntellectuals.

– Socialist realist poets of the 1940s became more visible in the 1960s: Ahmed Arif, Arif Damar, Rifat Ilgaz, A. Kadir, Enver Gokce, and Hasan Huseyin.

-1972 Varlik by Uyguner categorization of poetry: the second new, socialist realists, and difficult to categorize (like Daglarca).

-most important poetry of 1968 was Ahmed Arif’s “hasretinden prangalar eskittim”

-Turgut Uyar’s Divan was read and debated, KEmal Tahir liked how it brought back Ottoman lit.

date Historical period Period length novels
1872-1901 Closing of servet-i funun 30 71
1901-1908 2nd constitution 8 7
1908-1923 War of independence 13 48
1922-1950 Kemalism 28 400
1951-1960 DP 10 149
1961-1979 Groovy years 18 432

-1964 meetings in socialist countries to discuss literature.

-In mid-60s socialist realism was at the center of literary production. esp. by the Uc Kemaller.

(a year by year account of each of the books that were written. Very helpful for understanding the year to year context)

-Fathi Neci was a leading character among left. active in TIP, dominated literary world with Marxist literary aesthetics: Lukacs and Goldmann.


Chapter 5: Literature and Politics

-collective survey in 1967 varlik almanac by Sennur Sezer about intellectuals’ tendancies to seperate from people (toplu soruşturma, 1968, pg 158 )

-Turgut Uyar saw no disconnect, in a society where all values were in permanent change, concept of the people doesn’t mean much (same article)


-three trends in 60s70s lit: 1) politically oriented Marxist populist intellectuals 2) universalist, humanist, left-leaning Kemalist intellectuals 3) modernist avant-garde.

-Paul Dumont on peasant novels: strictly production of KEmalist revolution, promoted inteleltuals to act as vanguard.

– Tahsin Yucel: 1970s period of childish enthusiasm. thought could excelerate revolution through a few actions and demonstrations. -1975 article Oguz Atay criticized semi-intellectual gangs in 1975 article (oguz Atay gunluk 7 january 1975).

-Atilla Ilhan – Kutlar Sofrasi important critique of the leftist circles, hypocricy and lack of authenticity. Fethi Naci said it was most anti-communist book ever written in TUrkey. Shared many points with Tahir about nativity and critique of imitation of Western culture.

-Kemal Tahir – Bozkirda critique of village institutes for their insufficiency and the aim to create closed peasant society. Bashed by Fethi Naci, Murat Belge as to style and content mainly because of criticisms of Kemalist heritage. Peasant, like society itself, is complex and varied (notlar p. 500)


Chapter 6: sociological debate