Peer-reviewed Publications
- Moon, W.-K., & Kahlor, L. A. (2022). Nanoscientists’ perceptions of serving as ethical leaders within their organization: Implications from ethical leadership for responsible innovation. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 9(1), 74–92.
- Kahlor, L. A., Li, X., & Jones, J. (2019). Development and pilot testing of an evidence-based training module for integrating social and ethical implications into the lab. NanoEthics, 13(1), 37–52.
- Kahlor, L. A., Dudo, A., Liang, M.-C., Lazard, A. J., & AbiGhannam, N. (2015). Ethics information seeking and sharing among scientists. Science Communication, 38(1), 74–98.
Conference Presentations, Panels, and Proceedings
- Yang, Z. D., Song, Y. G., & Kahlor, L. A. (2025, June). Organizational Knowledge-Sharing Behaviors and Ethical Leadership Regarding the Societal Implications of Nanotechnology. Paper accepted for presentation at the 75th annual International Communication Association Conference, Denver, Colorado.
- Yang, Z. D., Song, Y. G., & Kahlor, L. A. (2024, December). The power of ethical leadership in nanotechnology: Fostering knowledge sharing and enhancing societal engagement. Poster presented at the annual National Science Foundation Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference, Alexandria, VA. PDF
- Song, Y. G. (2024, March). Communication Regarding the Societal Implications of Nanotechnology. Presented to faculty and students in the School of Advertising and Public Relations, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
- Looi, J., Kahlor, L. A., & Wang. W. (2023, May). Extending the knowledge gap hypothesis: Information seeking, avoidance, and processing as predictors of factual and subjective nanotechnology knowledge. Paper presented at the 73rd annual International Communication Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Looi, J., Kahlor, L. A. & Wang, W. (2022, December). Mitigating factual and subjective nanotechnology knowledge gaps: The roles of information seeking, avoidance, and processing. Poster presented at the annual National Science Foundation Nanoscience and Engineering Grantees Conference. Virtual Conference. PDF
- Wang, W., & Jamar, P. (2021, June). Risk Information Seeking Plus Ecologically Sustainable Products: A Recipe for The Preservation of Our Coral Reefs? Presented at the 16th Conference on Communication and Environment: Re-MEDIAting the Wild.
- Wang, W., Kahlor, L., Atkinson, L.. (2020, December) Risk information seeking and the role of perceived risks, perceived benefits and related affect: The case of highly effective sunscreens that damage coral reefs. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis. Virtual Conference.
- Moon, W. & Kahlor, L. (2020, February). Being an ethical leader in science: The case of Nano-scientists. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Seattle, WA.
- Kahlor, L. A. (2017, December). Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies – Societal Aspects. Co-moderator and presenter at the annual National Science Foundation Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference. Arlington, VA.
- Liang, M., Dudo, A., Kahlor, L., Abi Ghannam, N., & Lazard, A. (2015, February). Share if You Care: Scientists’ information behaviors about nanoethics. Presented to the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), San Jose, CA.
- Dudo, A., Kahlor, L., Liang, M-C., AbiGhannam, N., & Lazard, A. (2013, May). Nano ethics: How nanoscientists evaluate and communicate the ethical dimensions of their research. Presented to the Third Iowa State University Summer Symposium on Science Communication, Ames, IA. PDF
Student Theses and Dissertations
- Wang, W. (2021). Exploring the role of emotion and risk-benefit perceptions in information seeking and avoidance (Doctoral Dissertation). Link
- Li, X. (2019). Emerging technologies, emerging knowledge: Intentions to seek and share information on social media about the risks and benefits of nanotechnology (Doctoral Dissertation). Link
- Jones, J. N. (2017). A study on the emergence of ethical thinking in nanotechnology (Master’s Thesis). Link