Grace Kago (2022): On the impact of (p)ppGpp in Shigella flexneri virulence
Nick Xerri (2022): Bacteroidesspp. modulate the virulence of Shigella flexneri
Camilo Gómez-Garzón (2022): Biochemistry and Evolution of Feo, the Major Ferrous Iron Transport System of Vibrio cholerae
Heidi Butz (2019): The role of regulation of CsrA in Vibrio cholerae pathogenesis
Rachael Rossi (2017): Role of cardiolipin in Shigella flexneri pathogenesis
Eric Peng (2016) : Diverging roles for iron acquisition systems in Vibrio cholerae
Begoña Stevenson (2015): Characterization of the Vibrio cholerae Ferrous Iron Transport System, Feo
Hannah Marman (2013): The Role of Elongation Factor P in the Virulence of Shigella flexneri
Li Ma (2012): Cellular Iron Metabolism and Reductase Systems in Escherichia coli and Shigella flexneri
Emily Weaver (2010): feoA, feoB, and feoC Encode Essential Components of the Vibrio cholerae Ferrous Iron Transport System
Aja Gore (2010): Carbon Metabolism Influences Shigella flexneri pathogenesis. Postdoctoral fellow at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
Stephanie Craig (2008): Regulation of Biofilm Formation and Outer Membrane Protein Expression in Vibrio cholerae by Iron
Megan Boulette (2007) : Shigella flexneri ArcA and Fnr Regulate Iron Acquisition and Contribute to Plaque Formation Under Anaerobic Conditions. Postdoctoral Fellow with Marvin Whiteley, UT Austin.
Ashima Sharma (2007): Roles of DksA and Hfq in Shigella flexneri Virulence. Postdoctoral Fellow,
Nicola Davies (2006): Iron Acquisition by Shigella dysenteriae and Shigella flexneri.
Amanda Oglesby: Iron Regulation of Acid Resistance in Shigella flexneri 2005. Postdoctoral associate at the University of Colorado HSC Fitzsimmons, Microbiology Department.
Georgiana Purdy (2003): Characterization of S. flexneri DegP. 2003. Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Microbiology, Oregon Health and Science University.
Stephanie Reeves: Iron Acquisition in the Intracellular Environment of the Host: Multiple Iron Transport Systems inShigella dysentariae. August 2001.
Stefan Seliger: Development of Bacterial Delivery Systems for the Introduction of DNA into Eukaryotic Cells. August 2001. Genentech.
Alfredo G. Torres: Characterization of the Heme Transport System in Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Importance of Iron Uptake Systems in Virulence. May 1999. Associate Professor. University of Texas Medical
Deborah Ann Occhino: Vibrio cholerae Iron Transport: Characterization of Two TonB Systems and Components of a Heme Transport System. May 1998. Amgen.
Mei Hong: Identification of Shigella flexneri virulence associated genes. August 1997.
Melody Mills: Shigella dysentariae heme iron utilization: genetics, regulation, and detection of an analogous system in Escherichia coli. August 1996. Program officer, NIH NIAID.
Karen Sue Huffman-Kelley: Cloning and characterization of the siderophore synthesis and transport genes in Erwinia stewartii. May 1995
Douglas Paul Henderson: Heme iron utilization in Vibrio cholerae: genetics and role in virulence. December 1993. Professor, Department of Biology, UT Permian Basin.
Virginia Lynn Headley: Differential protein expression by Shigella flexneri. December 1990. e-mail
Michael Peter Schmitt: Genetics and regulation of the enterobactin genes in strains of Shigella flexneri. May 1989. FDA.
Panagiotis A. Daskaleros: Studies of congo red binding and virulence in Shigella species. August 1988.
Kathleen Mary Lawlor: The genetics of the aerobactin iron transport system of Shigella species and its role in virulence. May 1987. Physician.
Suzanne Lea Paula Sigel Barth: Iron transport systems of Vibrio cholerae clinical and environmental isolates. May 1983. Adjunct Associate Professor, UT Austin.
Jennifer Poo: The role of Type I IFN in Shigella flexneri pathogenesis
Rebecca Morrison
Laura Coughlin
Martha Thomas
Scott A. Mogull. dksA is required for the intercellular spread and IcsA localization of Shigella flexneri via an Rpo-S independent mechanism. December 2000.
Yuki Gleason. Characterization of the vps operon, a chromosomal region involved in Shigella flexneri virulence. December 1998
Janice Stoebner Boecker: Iron transport and hemolysin production in Vibrio cholerae. May
Karen Sue Huffman-Kelley: Effects of ions on growth, siderophore synthesis, and ESP production in Erwinia stewartii. August 1990
Carol Elizabeth Stugard: Heme-binding proteins associated with congo red binding and virulence of Shigella flexneriand enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. August 1989.
Candye Renee Andrus: Siderophores and iron regulated membrane proteins in pathogenic Vibrio and Aeromonasspecies. August 1983. Physician. Madison, WI.
Benjamin J. Koestler, Ph.D.: Assisstant Professor at Western Michigan University.
Minhye Shin, Ph.D.: Researcher Professor in the Food Bioengineering Lab at Korea University (Seoul, Korea).
Elizabeth Waligora, Ph.D.
Chandra Carpenter, Ph.D.
Erin Murphy, Ph.D.: Assistant Professor of Medical Microbiology, Department of Biological Sciences, Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine ( e-mail
Sanchita Bhadra, Ph.D.
David Pearce, Ph.D.: Atlas
Zhengyu Feng, Ph.D: Attorney, Washington, DC
Gregory F. Lopreato, Ph.D.
David Niesel, Ph.D. : Professor of Microbiology, University of Texas Medical School, Galveston. e-mail
Kelly Reed, Ph.D. : Associate Professor of Biology, Austin College, Sherman, TX.
Laura Runyen-Janecky, Ph.D. : Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Richmond, Richmond,VA e-mail web-page
Liz Wyckoff, Ph.D.
Leodocia Pope, Ph.D
Cloey Crouch
Julian Merville: Medical Student at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (Dallas, TX)
Cindy Serrato (S.U.P.E.R Program): Undergraduate Student at The University of Texas at El Paso
Alejandra Flores (UT CNS Intership Program): Undergraduate Student at Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, PA)
Ashley Ciosek: Medical Student at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (Houston, TX)
Eric Yoon
Devi Rao
Keren Hilgendorf: Graduate student, MIT
Lindsey Hoover: Graduate student, University of Wisconsin
Claire Joseph
Amir Mansoori
Jessica Chang
Ian Whitney
Anna Moorhead
Andreas Leimbach
Kim Tipton: Graduate Student, University of California San Francisco
Ana Mendez:
Eva Rab: Graduate Student, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School
Jennifer Gordon: Postdoctoral fellow, UCLA.
Adrienne Garcia: BioCrest (Stratagene Manufacturing Facility)
Harshaben Mistry: College of Pharmacy, University of Texas
Cara Ward
Ana Maria Valle-Rivera
Bonnie Rens
Vanamala Kanukurthy
Valerie Virta