Article I: Name and Objectives
Section 1.
This association shall be known as Lambda Chapter of the Phi Delta Chi Fraternity.
Section 2.
The objects of this association shall be to advance the science of Pharmacy and its allied interests, and to foster and promote a fraternal spirit among its members.
Article II: University of Texas Mutual Resolution Agreement
Section 1.
Prior to each period of Rush/recruitment and new member activities, Phi Delta Chi shall provide the Office of the Dean of Students (DOS) with its scheduled recruitment activities, and inform the DOS or designee in advance of any modifications to the schedule information.
Section 2.
Phi Delta Chi shall provide documentation to the DOS explaining what steps will be taken to educate members about hazing, as well as risk management policies identified in the Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities.
Section 3.
Phi Delta Chi shall outline documentation to support scholarship, leadership, and service throughout the new member process.
Section 4.
All rush and new member activities shall be alcohol free.
Section 5.
Any member of Phi Delta Chi found to have engaged in hazing shall be permanently barred from membership.
Section 6.
Phi Delta Chi members who report hazing, alcohol violations as stated in this Article, or other violations of University rules or the law to any officer or member of Phi Delta Chi, DOS staff member, high ranking University official or appropriate law enforcement will not suffer retaliation. Any member who retaliates as a result of such a report shall be barred from membership.
Section 7.
Phi Delta Chi will annually advise pledges, new members, and actives of the terms of the Mutual Resolution Agreement prior to the beginning of the new membership period. A record will be created and maintained to verify the membership has been advised, and will be submitted to the DOS on an annual basis.
Section 8.
All alcohol served at any Phi Delta Chi sponsored or funded event must be dispensed by a third-party vendor or caterer who is properly licensed by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC). Any event announced via official Phi Delta Chi channels (Canvas, Meetings, Email) shall be considered sponsored by Phi Delta Chi.
Section 9.
All persons entering a Phi Delta Chi sponsored or funded event where alcohol is being served must at all times wear tamper-proof wrist bands that identify them as being 21 and over, or under 21. Any Phi Delta Chi member attempting to misrepresent themselves under these circumstances shall be barred for six (6) months from all Phi Delta Chi events where alcohol is served.
Section 10.
Phi Delta Chi agrees that University Texas Police Department (UTPD), Austin Police Department (APD), Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission (TABC), and Office of the Dean of Students (DOS) may make unannounced visits to Phi Delta Chi events and any violations of law observed during such visits may be the basis for disciplinary action and may serve as a breach of this agreement.
Section 11.
If Phi Delta Chi is found to have breached this agreement, Office of the Dean of Students (DOS) may impose disciplinary penalties on Phi Delta Chi up to and including cancellation of its registration without further process. Phi Delta Chi may appeal any penalty imposed to the Vice President of Student Affairs.
Article III: Membership Eligibility & Prospective Brothers
Section 1.
A person considered for membership in Lambda Chapter should be one who is worthy of the principles of the Chapter; a person whose ideas or perspectives for the fraternity of the rights, self-respect and reasonable hopes will not in any manner interfere with the rhythm of the organization.
Section 2.
Any person of good moral character being a student who is in actual attendance and in good scholastic standing at the University of Texas at Austin is eligible for active collegiate membership in this Chapter if Pharmacy is his/her major subject or if he/she is registered in some other curriculum as a pre-pharmacy student (See Article III: Section I for other classes of membership).
Section 3.
Any person initiated having changed his/her course of study and being still in actual attendance at the University of Texas at Austin where he/she was initiated into Lambda Chapter, shall be active in this Chapter.
Section 4.
Any person of good moral character who is engaged in the profession of pharmacy or its allied fields shall be eligible for Graduate Membership. They must be accepted by a majority vote of the Lambda Active Chapter and with approval of the Alumni Chapter.
Section 5.
Any person of good moral character who has distinguished himself/herself in the profession of Pharmacy may become an Honorary Member of this Chapter by receiving the unanimous vote of the Chapter before which his/her name has been proposed, by gaining approval of the Executive Council through the National Office, and by signing the Constitution and agreeing to respect the part of the Ritual known as Omicron.
Section 6.
Any eligible pledge may become a member of this Chapter by receiving the favorable vote by a ¾ majority of the active members of the Chapter before which his/her name has been proposed, by signing the Constitution and By-Laws, thereby agreeing to abide by them, by paying his/her initiation fee, by complying with membership requirements set forth by the pledge team (As defined by Article VII Sec. 1 Part C), and by receiving proper initiation according to the Ritual. Any person deemed ineligible may not pledge or become a member of this Chapter.
Article IV: Membership
Section 1.
Classes of membership consist of: Collegiate Brothers, Alumni Brothers, Graduate Members, and Honorary Members.
Section 2.
No member of Lambda Chapter except Honorary, shall join any other professional fraternity of Pharmacy. Any member of Lambda Chapter who joins any other professional pharmaceutical Fraternity other than Honorary shall be expelled.
Section 3.
It shall be the duty of each member to familiarize himself/herself with the Constitution, Ritual, By-Laws, House Rules, history, and all other things pertaining to the Chapter. In addition to the above, each officer shall commit to memory and be able to recite his/her part of this Ritual having to do with active Chapter business meetings.
Section 4.
Graduate Membership shall be entitled to vote and shall be extended all privileges of members of the Lambda Alumni Chapter with which they are affiliated. Graduate Members are responsible for $20.00 in dues, shall pay for membership certificates, shall purchase an official badge and undergo a formal initiation.
Section 5.
Honorary Members shall be entitled to all privileges of active members, except taking part in such business as may require a vote of the Chapter and shall be exempt from financial obligations to the Chapter. The Chapter shall pay a per capita tax set forth by the national office.
Section 6.
All Active members on the UT campus shall actively participate in at least one Chapter Committee.
Section 7.
Any Active member not present for a Formal meeting of the Chapter without a satisfactory excuse presented to the WKRS in writing 24 hours prior to said meeting shall be required to attend a fundraising or service event if the unexcused absence is not appealed. The appeal should be brought before the WKRS within 1 week. All Brothers have until the end of the semester to make up the missed meeting(s). The WKRS is in charge of keeping track and reminding the Brother of their missed meetings. Any member who has three successive, unexcused absences from Chapter meetings shall be brought to the Judiciary Committee and be subject to expulsion from the Chapter.
Section 8.
Appropriate attire to a Formal meeting will be business casual. Any Active member who attends a Formal meeting of the Chapter with inappropriate attire (including but not limited to jeans, athletic pants, t-shirts, scrubs, shorts, and tanks) without a satisfactory excuse presented to the WCC in writing 24 hours prior to said meeting shall receive ½ point for meeting attendance if not appealed. The appeal should be brought before the WKRS within 1 week.
Section 9.
Semester dues for members shall be payable for the current semester and shall be due by the second general meeting of each semester. Pledges dues shall be due by a predetermined date set by the Executive Committee. They shall become delinquent if not paid by these times and subject to a fine of 10% of the amount due at each general meeting that elapses without payment. Any active member whose fines for late fees amount to $30 or more must appear before the Judicial Committee (Refer to Article VI Sec. 1 Part H) and make arrangement for the payment of the unpaid balance of his/her dues. Any active member who fails to comply with this rule shall be warned of his/her possible expulsion at the following Chapter meeting. If the vote passes (Refer to Article III Sec. 10), the member shall be expelled from the Chapter; his/her badge and certificate of membership shall be confiscated, and his/her name shall be removed from the permanent record of the Chapter. If the Vote does not pass and the Chapter advises that Credit be extended, the Judicial Committee shall assign a due date for the unpaid balance. If the member is still delinquent after set due date, the member will appear before the Judicial Committee again for further review.
Section 10.
Any member may be expelled by a ¾ vote of the active members of the Chapter, provided said member shall have been guilty of repeated disorderly conduct, immorality, non-payment of dues or fines ; or violation of the Constitution, Ritual, or By-Laws. Such expulsion may take place only after the member has been warned at the preceding regular meeting and in case expulsion results, the Chapter shall call in the pin and membership certificate of a member expelled.
Section 11.
Any member having violated any obligation or rule which might subject him/her to expulsion shall have the right of trial. All charges must be preferred at any regular meeting by an active member, and the accused shall be immediately notified of such charges and directed to appear at the next regular meeting for trial. If the accused or his/her representative is not present, having disregarded the notice to appear, the trial shall be conducted as though he/she were present and the final vote taken. The trial shall be presided over by the WCC. The accused may request a member to sit in his/her defense, and the WCC shall appoint a member for prosecution. If a member is expelled, the Chapter shall report to the Executive Council.
Section 12.
Any member who has been expelled may appeal to the Grand Council.
Section 13.
Any person who has been expelled by Lambda Chapter and who has not been reinstated into the Fraternity by the Grand Council, shall not again be eligible for membership.
Section 14.
The incoming new members shall not exceed the Active membership of the Lambda Chapter on the UT campus except on special permission of the Executive Council.
Section 15.
Any member who has signed up for a service event and fails to show up without finding a replacement will be reported to the Dean of Students for unprofessional conduct unless appealed. All appeals should be brought before the WKRS within 1 week of the event date. Members must inform the person organizing the service event that they will be absent with a minimum of 48 hours notice.
Article V: National Organization
Section 1.
This Chapter shall abide by the provisions of Article III of the Constitution of the Phi Delta Chi Fraternity concerning the organization of the national fraternity.
Article VI: Chapter Government
Section 1.
The Chapter officers of Lambda Chapter shall consist of the Worthy Chief Counselor (WCC), Worthy Vice Counselor (WVC), Worthy Keeper of Records and Seals (WKRS), Worthy Correspondent (WC), Worthy Keeper of Finance (WKF), Worthy Prelate (WP), Worthy Master-At-Arms (WMA), Worthy inner Guard (WIG), Worthy Alumni Liaison (WAL), house Manager (when applicable), and other such officers as may be required in maintaining a Chapter house or dormitory.
Section 2.
Said officers with the exception of the WKF, or any officer who regularly handles money, and the WC, shall be elected at least once annually, the time of the election to be at the discretion of the local Chapter.
Section 3.
The WKF and any other officer who regularly handles money shall serve a term of office of one year. The time of election shall be at the discretion of the Chapter.
Section 4.
Chapter members interested in running for Executive positions must declare their intent to run, and participate in an Executive Workshop prior to elections to be an eligible candidate for the Executive Committee.
Section 5.
The content of the Executive Workshop is at the discretion of the Chapter’s Executive Committee but must involve personal instruction by the current officers on the responsibilities of the position to members interested in running for said officers’ positions.
Section 6.
WCC will have a 5 minute (maximum) speech followed by 3 minutes of questions. WVC will have a 3 minute (maximum) speech followed by 2 minutes of questions. For the remaining positions, candidates running unopposed will have a 1 minute (maximum) speech followed by 1 minute of questions. For Officer positions with multiple candidates, each candidate will have a 2 minute (maximum) speech followed by 2 minutes of questions. No powerpoints or handouts will be permitted for speeches. Guidelines for appointment of the WMA and WIG will be clearly defined by the executive office in terms of the essay prompt, font, margins, and length.
Section 7.
Election speeches and absentee ballots will be available to off campus P4 or distance learning students. They may also be available to students with a test on the election day that is scheduled after the meeting by contacting the WCC one week prior to the scheduling conflict.
Section 8.
It shall be the duty of the WCC to call the meeting to order at the appointed time; to preside over the meeting, to decide all points of order; to preserve decorum: to enforce the Constitution, By-Laws, and House Rules; to levy all fines; to act in all ways as the chief executive of the Chapter. The final duties of the WCC when leaving office shall be to completely describe the operation of his/her office to his/her successor and to turn over all documents and property belonging to the office at the Formal installation of his/her successor. It shall be the first duty of the new WCC to secure the document and property of the office.
Section 9.
It shall be the duty of the WVC to perform all the duties and exercise all the authority of the WCC in his/her absence. In addition, it shall be the duties of the WVC to oversee all chapter committees. The final duties of the WVC when leaving office shall be to completely describe the operation of his/her office to his/her successor and to turn over all documents and property belonging to the office at the Formal Installation of his/her successor. It shall be the first duty of the new WVC to secure the documents and property of the office.
Section 10.
It shall be the duty of the WKRS to keep a complete and legible record of all proceedings and points, and to preserve all the other manuscripts and records of the Chapter. The WKRS shall present a typewritten record of the minutes of each Chapter meeting to the faculty advisor prior to the next scheduled meeting. The final duties of the WKRS when leaving office shall be to completely describe the operation of his/her office to his/her successor and to turn over all documents and property belonging to the office at the Formal Installation of his/her successor, It shall be the first duty of the new WKRS to secure the documents and property of the office. The current house point system is enforced by the WKRS. For any changes to be made to the current house point system, there must be a majority vote (5/9) that approve the amendment. The 9 voters include all 6 heads of houses, the WCC, WVC, and WKRS.
Section 11.
It shall be the duty of the WKF to keep and collect all money, properties, and securities of the Chapter to render a signed written account of the same at each meeting; to pay all bills and obligation subject to the order of the Chapter. It shall be the duty of the Assistant WKF to assist the WKF in the performance of his/her duties (Assistant WKF is an optional office). The final duties of the WKF and Assistant WKF when leaving office shall be to completely describe the operation of his/her office to his/her successor and to turn over all documents and property belonging to the office at the Formal Installation of his/her successor. It shall be the first duty of the new WKF and Assistant WKF to secure the documents and property of the office.
Section 12.
It shall be the duty of the WMA to serve as pledge trainer during the period of his/her office. (The duties of the pledge trainer are described in Article VIII, Section 4). In addition, it shall be the duty of the WMA to attend the door of the council chamber; to receive the password; to prepare the council chamber, to have charge of the regalia and to maintain it in good order; and to have charge of all candidates for initiation; to perform any other duties pertaining to the office. The final duties of the WMA when leaving office shall be to completely describe the operation of his/her office to his/her successor and to turn over all documents and property belonging to the office at the Formal Installation of his/her successor. It shall be the first duty of the new WMA to secure the documents and property of the office.
Section 13.
It shall be the duty of the WP to conduct and supervise all service projects. In addition, the WP shall serve as the Chapter Historian, maintaining the scrapbook and other records of Chapter activities during his/her term of office. The final duties of the WP when leaving office shall be to completely describe the operation of his/her office to his/her successor and to turn over all documents and property belonging to the office at the Formal Installation of his/her successor, It shall be the first duty of the new WP to secure the documents and properly of the office.
Section 14.
It shall be the duty of the WIG to attend the door during initiation and perform all the duties of the WMA during his/her absence. The final duties of the WIG when leaving office shall be to completely describe the operation of his/her office to his/her successor and to turn over all documents and property belonging to the office at the Formal Installation of his/her successor. It shall be the first duty of the new WIG to secure the documents and property of the office.
Section 15.
It shall be the duty of the WC to receive all incoming correspondence, to prepare and mail all outgoing correspondence. It shall be recognized the WC has one of the more important and demanding offices of the Chapter in that receipt of the Phi Delta Chi achievement award is dependent upon the prompt and complete performance of his/her duties. The WCC may, upon the request of the WC, appoint and Assistant WC who shall serve as in informal officer during the WC’s period of office. The final duties of the WC when leaving office shall be to completely describe the operation of his/her office to his/her successor and to turn over all documents and property belonging to the office at the Formal Installation of his/her successor. It shall be the first duty of the new WC to secure the documents and properly of the office.
Section 16.
It shall be the duty of the WAL to supervise publication of newsletters; to answer all alumni correspondence; to keep charge of all matters pertaining to alumni relations; to prepare such other duties in this connection as the active Chapter may impose. It shall also be the duty of the WAL to maintain communication with off-site Collegiate Brothers. The final duties of the WAL when leaving office shall be to completely describe the operation of his/her office to his/her successor and to turn over all documents and property belonging to the office at the Formal Installation of his/her successor. It shall be the first duty of the new WAL to secure the documents and property of the office.
Section 17.
Any Chapter officer may be removed from office by the following procedure.
- A petition requesting impeachment signed by a majority of the active members shall be presented to the WCC.
- This petition and the evidence for removal shall be presented to the Chapter within two weeks.
- A meeting shall follow within two weeks from the time the petition is submitted to the active Chapter, at which time the officer shall have the opportunity to present evidence in defense. At this time the officer may be removed from office by a ¾ vote of the active Chapter members.
- If the officer in question is the WCC, the WVC shall preside at these meetings.
Section 18.
The Chapter may require of its officers any additional duties necessary and not specifically mentioned in the Constitution or By-Laws.
Section 19.
Any officer of the Executive Committee who is subject to scholastic probation by the College of Pharmacy shall be required to meet with Lambda Faculty Advisors to establish continued eligibility for membership of the Executive Committee.
Section 20.
Anyone who has been elected president of another organization may not serve as Worthy Chief Counselor of Phi Delta Chi- Lambda Chapter for the same term. Anyone who has already been elected president of another organization for an upcoming term may not run for the position of Worthy Chief Counselor for the same term.
Section 21.
Members on any UT College of Pharmacy Campus (Austin, San Antonio, El Paso, and Pan Am) are eligible for any leadership or officer position within Phi Delta Chi.
Section 22.
A “Distant Learning Site Liaison” for Phi Delta Chi shall be appointed by the WCC at each distant learning site location (San Antonio, El Paso, and Pan Am) at the beginning of the fall semester each year. The distant learning site liaison’s responsibilities include: help organize events for PDC members at their site to participate in, collect PDC member points for event attendance at their site and submit to the WKRS, for each event participated in by PDC members assign an event report to a member and have it submitted to the WC for inclusion in national reports.
Article VII: Committees & Miscellaneous Responsibilities
Section 1.
The standing committees shall include, but not be limited to:
- An Executive Committee, to consist of the WCC, WVC, WC, WKF, WKRS, WP, WAL, WMA, WIG ;
- An Auditing Committee, to consist of the WCC, WVC, WKF and an Active member;
- A Pledge Team, to consist of the WMA and WIG;
- A Membership Committee to consist of the Pledge Team and any interested actives
- A Bleat Committee, to consist of the WC and two or more members to be appointed by the WCC. It shall be the first duty of the Bleat Committee to have charge of all things in the Chapter which are in any way connected with the Bleat;
- An Academic, Scholarship, and Awards Committee to consist of the WMA and two or more members to be appointed by the WCC and to include any and all members who received the honor of Rho Chi Honorary Pharmacy Fraternity membership, in that these individuals can serve to inspire the other Brothers of the Chapter to higher goals of academic achievement.
- Point System Committee, to consist of the WKRS WIG
- A Judicial Committee, to consist of WCC, WVC, WKF and a member of each pledge class appointed by the WCC, shall be in charge of all disciplinary proceedings within the Chapter.
- It is at the discretion of the executive office with approval of a faculty advisor to form committees throughout the semester to accommodate chapter needs. Such committees will be headed by an officer member appointed by the WCC and will have a chair.
Section 2.
- It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to decide the policies of the Chapter, and to adjudicate all misunderstandings and irregularities not covered by specific articles in the Constitution, By-Laws, or House Rules.
- It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to audit all the books and accounts of the Chapter at least every two months and report the same to the Chapter at the next regular meeting.
- It shall be the duty of the Pledge Team, to investigate the eligibility and character of any person whose name may be proposed for membership. It is recommended that each pledge shall have to meet individually with the membership committee to discuss why they want to join our Fraternity.
- It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to provide assistance in rush and pledging decisions.
- It shall be the duty of the Academic, Scholarship, and Awards Committee, to aid any member in scholastic difficulty as well as, in general attempting to raise the academic level of the Chapter as a whole. This committee shall meet at regular intervals at the discretion of the chairperson and shall use any suitable means at its disposal to accomplish its purpose. The Scholarship Committee shall have the authority to require GPA reports from the members of the Chapter at suitable intervals in order to more fully execute its goals; such reports shall remain strictly confidential.
Section 3.
Committee chairs are to be appointed by the WCC. The WCC shall distribute a list of said committee appointments to the Brothers.
Section 4.
The Chapter WKF may have an Assistant Treasurer working with him/her at their request or the request of the WCC.
Section 5.
Regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held at least once every two weeks during the regular school session.
Section 6.
The Chapter shall have one formal meeting each month with the exception of the months June, July, and August.
Section 7.
The Chapter shall elect one active delegate to the regular meetings of the Grand Council; the expense of the delegate, other than those paid by the Grand Council, are to be paid by the delegate or the Chapter, or both. The active Chapter or its alumni Chapter may also elect an alumni delegate, the expenses of this delegate to be borne by the delegate or the alumni Chapter or both.
Section 8.
The Chapter’s Faculty Advisors are to be included in all official correspondence with the Chapter.
Article VIII. Pledging
Section 1.
The purpose of a Pledgeship shall be to make the candidate familiar with the Fraternity, its objectives, its ideals, and its members. The candidate shall also be made aware of the responsibility of the Chapter in the advancement of the Profession of Pharmacy. A major part of the Pledgeship shall be devoted to attempting to instill a spirit of fraternalism on the part of the pledge toward his/her pledge class, Active Brothers, and the school of pharmacy as a whole.
Section 2.
One of the duties of WMA shall be to assume the responsibility for the instruction of the pledge class with the help of the WIG; (i.e. the WMA shall be the Pledge Trainer.)
Section 3.
The manner of instruction of the pledge class shall be at the discretion of the Pledge Trainer, provided that:
- A series of exams shall be given at regular intervals, the average of which shall be taken, and a minimum grade of 80% required before the Final Exam may be undertaken. If the minimum score is not achieved, the pledge will be allowed to retake one exam of their choosing to bring up their overall average.
- A Final Exam shall be given, comprehensively covering the material studies, with a minimum grade of 70% required as a passing grade. The Final Exam shall be given at the beginning of the informal initiation, in writing, and no pledge may continue with said initiation until he/she has completed the exam and passed.
- The Pledge Trainer shall report to the active Chapter on the progress of the pledge class at all formal meetings of the Chapter.
- A two tier bid card process will be in place with the first card going out after the pledge interest meeting, and the second card going out after the last pledge meeting.
- The second bid card is given contingent on a personal interview, concerning progress through the pledgeship process and conducted by the pledge team. Results of the interview are to be brought before Active members for a 3/4 majority vote on each candidate under question. Any candidate not receiving a bid card may appeal to the judicial committee.
Section 4.
The duties of the Pledge Trainer shall be to provide guidance to the pledge class in order to achieve the objectives set forth in Section 1 of this Article; to act as the spokesperson for the pledge class to the Active Chapter, and from the Active Chapter to the pledge class. The Pledge Trainer shall always act in the best interest of the pledge class.
Section 5.
In all matters not specifically set down in this section regarding to pledgeship, the Chapter subscribes to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Phi Delta Chi National Fraternity, the Official Pledge Manual of the Phi Delta Chi National Fraternity, and the policies of the Office of the Dean of Students at the University of Texas.
Section 6.
The Pledge Trainer shall facilitate Pledge sorting into three Lambda Houses: Godfrey, Rogers, and Frazee. Each pledge shall belong to his or her house for the entirety of their time in the fraternity. Each house contains two Heads of Houses, whom will serve as the liaison between members and officers. The Pledge Trainer shall appoint, from the Active Chapter, a Big Brother for each candidate in the pledge class according to their house. Said appointment may be made according to the desires of a specific pledge, but the Pledge Trainer shall honor or disregard such a request according to his/her knowledge and best judgment of the personalities of the active member and the pledge respectively. In all instances, the Pledge Trainer shall make the appointment with the best interests of the pledge in mind.
Section 7.
The duties of the Big Brother shall be to act as spokesperson between the individual pledge (Little Brother) and the Chapter. The Big Brother shall be responsible for encouraging the Little Brother socially, scholastically, professionally, and fraternally, and shall assist the Little Brother in fulfilling the requirements of his/her pledgeship in any manner in which he/she is able.
Section 8.
Each pledge shall during the course of his/her training be given an up-to-date copy of this Constitution and Official By-Laws of Lambda Chapter so that upon initiation he/she will be familiar with its day-to-day mechanisms and functions. Nothing in this section implies that secret ritual or information will be revealed to the pledge before the appropriate time of his/her initiation.
Section 9.
Informal and formal initiations shall be held on different days.
Section 10.
Upon being pledged to the Lambda Chapter, the candidate shall sign an agreement promising to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws, Ritual, and the Mutual Resolution Agreement so far as he/she knows them and not to disclose any secret or method of procedure of this Chapter that he/she may happen to learn before being initiated. It shall be the duty of the WCC to enforce this rule.
Section 11.
Phi Delta Chi agrees to strictly prohibit hazing as defined in Appendix F to UT Austin’s Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities. Any member of Phi Delta Chi who, pursuant to the UT Austin’s student discipline process, is found to have engaged in hazing shall be permanently barred from membership in Phi Delta Chi.
Section 12.
Phi Delta Chi agrees to impose substantial and appropriate penalties on any active or pledge who, pursuant to UT Austin’s student disciplinary process, is found to have failed to report hazing, alcohol violations or other violations of University rules or the law to the Office of the Dean of Students.
Section 13.
Phi Delta Chi agrees that any member who reports hazing, alcohol violations or other violations of University rules or the law to any officer or member of Phi Delta Chi, or to the staff of the Office of the Dean of Students or other high ranking University officials University or appropriate law enforcement authority will not suffer retaliation. Phi Delta Chi further agrees that they will permanently bar from membership any member who retaliates as a result of such a report.
Article IX: Amending the Constitution
Section 1
The constitution may be amended once per academic year to address any issues or deficiencies.
Section 2
Amendments to the constitution must be brought forth at a formal meeting and must pass with a 3/4th vote, provided the meeting has a quorum.
Number 1: A simple majority of the Collegiate Brothers should constitute a quorum
Number 2: In all business meetings of the Collegiate Chapter, the following order shall be observed:
- Call to Order, 2. Roll Call, 3. Inspirational Exercises (reading of minutes, reports of officers, reports of committees, election/ installation of officers, proposals for membership, initiation, unfinished business, new business, fines and appeals, good and welfare, appointment of committees, second roll call, adjournment)
Number 3: In all parliamentary rulings not provided for in the Phi Delta Chi Constitution and Bylaws, the Fraternity shall be governed by the most recent revision of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Number 4: It shall be the duty of each Brother to become familiar with the Phi Delta Chi Constitution and Bylaws.
Number 5: Any Collegiate Brother who shall miss any Formal Meeting of the Chapter without satisfactory excuse, which shall be presented to the WKRS within 24hours prior to said meetings shall be fined $7.
Number 6: The Lambda Chapter shall have at least one Formal Meetings each month.
Number 7: the Worthy Chief Counselor may call special meetings and must call one on the written request of 3 Brothers.
House Point Gains:
- 1 Point/Person Gains*:
- General meeting
- Formal meeting
- Committee meeting
- Hosting a study hour during the pledging process (max 2 points/week)
- Fundraising events
- St. Jude events/socials
- Contributing to the pledge fundraiser and/or service event
- Service/volunteer event hosted by Phi Delta Chi
- College-wide event that represents Phi Delta Chi
- House social
- Fraternity-wide social
- 5 Dropbox study submissions
- Submit it to
- Scholarship question answered correctly at general meetings
- Brotherhood retreat in August
- Formal initiation
- Pledge meetings
- Pledge events (including the info/interview session)
- Alumni Dinners
- Extra point Gains*:
- Distance Site Brothers’ points are to be doubled in the calculation of final points
- Extra points may be given at the discretion of the WKRS but can be vetoed if both the WCC and WVC disagree with the allocation/amount
- Examples of extra point allocations include:
- Appropriate responses after reading the meeting minutes (if a clue was included in the minutes)
- Must be submitted within 24 hours of the email and are not allowed to distribute among the house in order to obtain more points
- A deduction for each response will be recorded if collusion is discovered
- Must be submitted within 24 hours of the email and are not allowed to distribute among the house in order to obtain more points
- Winning competitions/events where house point rewards were previously established
- House-wide gains*:
- A maximum of 10 points may be allotted to a house for various events/competitions as determined by the WCC, WVC, and WKRS
- Competitions/events may include:
- Most attendance at an event
- Winning a house-wide game at a pledge meeting
- Other competitions/events may be previously determined by the WCC, WVC, and WKRS
- Competitions/events may include:
- For each alumni that attends a house social (they are not included in the 20% rule) 2 points will be awarded to the alumni’s house
- A maximum of 10 points may be allotted to a house for various events/competitions as determined by the WCC, WVC, and WKRS
House Point Losses:
- 1 Point/Person Losses*:
- Unexcused absence from formal meeting
- For an absence to be excused, a reason for absence must be submitted to the WKRS (and CC the WCC) by MIDNIGHT the night before formal meeting
- Unexcused absence from a fundraising event
- Only occurs if the active/pledge signed up for the event
- Must let the active responsible for the event aware of absence > 24 hours before the event
- If you find a replacement, no point loss will occur
- Unexcused absence from a service/volunteer event
- Only occurs if the active/pledge signed up for the event
- Must let the active responsible for the event aware of absence > 24 hours before the event
- If you find a replacement, no point loss will occur
- Unexcused absence from formal initiation
- Must email WKRS and CC WCC and WVC about absence by the allotted date (as previously determined by the WCC, WVC, and WKRS)
- Missing a required event (as determined by the WCC, WVC, and WKRS without approval)
- Only occurs if the active/pledge signed up for the event
- Only occurs if the active/pledge signed up for the event
- Unexcused absence from formal meeting
*All points are “Raw Points” and must be normalized by taking into account the total number of members in the respective house. The normalized number may then be multiplied by a factor (determined by the WKRS) which equals the “Total Points” for the house
House Social Rules: A house social is a gathering of brothers from the same house on or off campus participating in the same activity. If there are any questions about possible house socials, please contact the WKRS.
- For a house social to be valid:
- WKRS must be notified of location and time > 48 hours before event
- House must have > 20% attendance of total house members (this includes distance site brothers) for house points to be awarded
- If two houses decide to host a house social, each member will be awarded 1 point, but the 20% rule is still in effect.
- If alcohol is present at the venue, there must be a TABC licensed vendor or the social will not count
- Brothers are welcome to attend any house social and will be awarded ½ a point for attendance regardless of house affiliation
For any change to be made to the current house point system, there must be a majority vote (5/9) that approve the amendment. The 9 voters include all 6 heads of houses, the WCC, WVC, and WKRS.
- 1 Point/Person Losses*:
Frazee Heads of House: _______________________________ _________________________________
Godfrey Heads of House: ______________________________ _________________________________
Rogers Heads of House: ______________________________ _________________________________
Faculty Advisor: _______________________________
Worthy Chief Counselor: _______________________________
Worthy Vice Counselor: _______________________________
Worthy Keeper of Records and Seals: _______________________________