- Abstract Submission Guideline
- Manuscript Submission Guideline
- Formatting Guideline
- Publishing Agreement
For any questions or comments, please email at planningforum@austin.utexas.edu
We are now seeking abstract submissions for the 2021 Volume 19 issue.
Abstract Deadline: July 15, 2022
In order to develop a platform for ideas on planning issues, we are interested in publishing both scholarly research and other, more varied forms of articles. Therefore, Planning Forum is seeking abstracts for three types of submissions:
The Inquiry section is for original scholarly research and is double-blind peer-reviewed. Submissions for this section should not exceed 6,000 words and 5 images (if applicable).
Articles in the Explorations section may take a variety of forms. Critical, theoretical, and exploratory essays, personal or journalistic accounts, interviews, and conversations are all welcome. Submissions for the Explorations section are limited to approximately 1,500 words and 3 images (if applicable).
Submissions to the Photo Essays section can be a series, montage or a collage of photographic images with captions and comments. Submissions are limited to approximately 500 words and 10 original images.
Book review submissions should be analytical rather than descriptive and evaluate the book’s contribution to the related field(s). Submissions are limited to 800 words.
By July 15, 2022 interested authors should submit an abstract. Email your 150 -300 words abstract to planningforum@austin.utexas.edu.
By August 7th, 2022 the Planning Forum team will notify authors via email regarding their abstracts and provide any feedback or assistance needed before the full manuscript submission.
Final Manuscript Deadline: October 15, 2022
Once authors have been notified regarding their abstracts, they are expected to submit a full manuscript by October 15, 2022. The review process is as follows:
The Editorial Board (made up of current doctoral and masters students in the Community and Regional Planning Department at The University of Texas at Austin) and peer reviewers (faculty or PhD students in planning or allied fields) evaluate submissions with regard to their interest/originality, writing quality, and academic rigor. Planning Forum uses a double-blind review process.
For all sections of the journal, final decisions regarding revisions and publishing of submissions rests with the Managing Editors.
All submissions to the Inquiries Section are first evaluated by the Editorial Board and articles found appropriate for the journal are reviewed by two peer reviewers. Throughout the review process, authors remain anonymous to the Editorial Board and reviewers. In order to be published, submissions must be revised by authors to address comments and questions raised by reviewers.
Submissions to the Explorations, Photo Essay and Book Review sections are evaluated by the Editorial Board, which makes recommendations to the Managing Editors whether to publish submissions. Managing Editors may provide reviews of submissions, though not in all cases. Authors are required to address comments and questions raised in reviews in subsequent revisions.
Planning Forum Volume 19 will be published by April 30, 2023 following the above review process.
All articles in Planning Forum follow the APA 7th edition in style for formatting, citation and bibliographic referencing. All text must be left-indented, including the title, author’s name and sub-headings. The font for body text is Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 spaced.
Image resolution should be a minimum of 300 dpi in .jpg or .tiff format. Diagrams, tables, and images should be on separate sheets with their desired position in the text clearly indicated. All maps, tables, graphs, figures, etc. should be provided via email attachment as manipulable data (i.e. editable spreadsheets, compressed folder of ArcGIS .mxd files with all sub-files).
- Publication and Promotion: In consideration of the Publisher’s agreement to publish the Work, Author hereby grants and assigns to Publisher the non-exclusive right to print, publish, reproduce, or distribute the Work throughout the world in all means of expression by any method now known or hereafter developed, including electronic format, and to market Work or any part of it as Publisher sees fit. Author further grants Publisher the right to use Author’s name in association with the Work in published form and in advertising and promotional materials.
- Copyright: Copyright of the Work remains in Author’s name. If the article contains material copyrighted by another source, such as images, diagrams,etc., the author(s) are required to obtain written permission for the material to be published. Authors may be required to pay fees associated with permission to use materials from another source.
- Prior Publication and Attribution: Author agrees not to publish the Work in print form prior to publication of the Work by the Publisher. Author agrees to cite, by author, title, and publisher, the original College & Research Libraries publication when publishing the Work elsewhere.
- Author Representations: The Author represents and warrants that the Work: (a) is the Author’s original Work and that Author has full power to enter into this Agreement; (b) does not infringe the copyright or property of another; (c) contains no material which is obscene, libelous, defamatory.
- Licensing and Reuse: Unless another option is selected below, reuse of the published Work will be governed by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC 3.0). This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon the Work non-commercially; although new works must acknowledge the original College and Research Libraries publication and be non-commercial, they do not have to be licensed on the same terms.