JUNTOS Familia
Through conducting focus groups, we aim to learn more about the cultural stressors experienced by Austin’s
Latinx/hispanic youth and parents.
We hope to better understand the cultural stressors that Latinx/Hispanic youth and families experience to further understand what resources are needed to effectively manage these experiences. Through previous years of JUNTOS Familia (years 1 &2), we learned that discrimination, racism, and prejudice are among some of the most prevalent cultural stressors experienced by Latinx/Hispanic high school students in Austin.
Our long term goal is to help develop a family-based program that helps students and parents learn how to cope with discrimination, racism, and prejudice.
Freshman Survey Project
In this study, we are assessing the experiences of Latinx/Hispanic freshmen students at UT through an online survey.
The study originated from conversations within our own group of undergraduate researchers, many of whom identify as Latinx/Hispanic.
As a result, we decided we wanted to hear more about your own experiences in order to help us better understand how we can support or provide resources to students like you.
This study is a longitudinal study, meaning we would like to follow students throughout their time at UT asking the same or similar questions, to see how your experiences evolve and change.
In this study, our lab is focused on understanding how Latino/Hispanic students experience structural racism and the characteristics of structural racism within their schools. The study will look at the perspectives of students, parents, and staff at the school and school district levels. Through individual interviews, we hope to learn about experiences with structural racism in the school environment. Our overall goal through this project is to learn more about structural racism and ultimately reduce these experiences for students and families.