Selected Publications
Cultural stress, emotional well-being, and health risk behaviors among recent immigrant Latinx families: the moderating role of perceived neighborhood characteristics. Journal of Youth and Adolescence
❞ Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Meca, A., Unger, J. B., Szapocznik, J., Cano, M. Á., Des Rosiers, S. E., & Schwartz, S. J. (2019).
Remote acculturation and cigarette smoking susceptibility among youth in Mexico. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology
❞ Lorenzo-Blanco, E.I., Arillo-Santillán, E., Unger, J.B., & Thrasher, J.F. (2019).
Movie language orientation, gender, movie smoking exposure, and smoking susceptibility among youth in Mexico (Nicotine and Tobacco Research)
❞ Lorenzo-Blanco, E.I., Abad-Vivero, E., Barrientos-Gutierrez, I., Arillo-Santillán, E., *Pérez Hérnandez, R., Unger, J.B., & Thrasher, J.F. (forthcoming).
Longitudinal effects of Latino parent cultural stress, depressive symptoms, and family functioning on youth emotional well-being and health risk behaviors. Family Process.
❞ Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Meca, A., Unger, J.B., Romero, A., Szapocznik, J., Piña-Watson, B.M., Cano, M.A., Zamboanga, B., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Des Rosiers, S.E., Soto, D.W., Villamar, J.A., Lizzi, K.M., Pattarroyo, M. & Schwartz, S. J. (2016).
2020 Reuben Hill Award from the National Council for Family Relations:
Longitudinal trajectories of family functioning among recent immigrant adolescents and parents: Links with adolescent and parent cultural stress, emotional well‐being, and behavioral health. Child Development
2011 Olivia Espin & AWP Award for Research on Gender and Immigration:
Acculturation, gender, depression, and cigarette smoking among U.S. Hispanic youth: The mediating role of perceived discrimination. Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Selected Publications
Latino/a depression and smoking: An analysis through the lenses of culture, gender, and ethnicity. American Journal of Community Psychology
❞ Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I. & Cortina, L. M. (2012).
Correlates of Chilean adolescents’ negative attitudes towards cigarettes: The role of gender, peer, parental, and environmental influences. Nicotine and Tobacco Research.
❞ Lorenzo-Blanco, E.I., Bares, C., & Delva, J. (2012).
Alcohol use among recent immigrant Latino/a youth: Acculturation, gender, and the Theory of Reasoned Action. Ethnicity and Health
❞ Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Schwartz, S.J., Unger, J.B., Zamboanga, B., Des Rosiers, S.E., Villamar, J., Soto, D., Patarroyo, M., & Baezconde-Garbanati, L. (2016).