Susan Kessler, PresidentChecking in…Fabulous food (mashed potatoes were to DIE for)Enjoying lunchBarbara Myers, pianistMcKetta Prize Winners: Mary Steinhardt, Sharon Hinkle, Maria Pineda, Pat Boone, Sylvia HuntsmanSusan Kessler (President) appreciates our speaker, Dr. Mary SteinhardtWell, YES!Enjoying lunch while Sponsor ads are projectedOur guest speaker, Dr. Mary SteinhardtScholarship RecipientsCraig Champlin (new member) and Bill Lasher (Treasurer)Enjoying lunch while Scholarship recipient slide show is projectedAnnela, Sherry and JuliePhil and Karen Kelton with ???RFSA Interest GroupsNeal Rhea and Dudley DobieSharon Justice (Queen member at large) and Joyce McClendonBeautiful day for a luncheonTravel Information: Sybil and Keith MomiiTany Norwood (past president, Sister 1), Holly Thompson (webmaster, Sister 2)and Margaret BordenAlice Reinartz and Bobby InmanCarol Obianwu and Olajumoke EwedemiThe Eyes of Texas are Upon You…